Chapter 6: Schemes

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Isabelle's and Alexander's relationship wasn't as strained as before. Now the two got along and often talked with one another. But despite their relationship going at a slow pace, the queen and princesses continued to scheme. Take a cold November day for example. Isabelle had just exited Princess Claire's chambers, as they had been playing together. Suddenly she was grabbed by both her arms by the queen and princess Natalia.

"Your Majesty?" Isabelle questioned.

"Isabelle, we need you to take Alexander's supper to him. He isn't eating again, my poor little boy." The queen explained in exasperation.

"And he demanded that you bring his dinner to him." Natalia filled in while the Queen vigorously nodded in confirmation.

Isabelle didn't quite understand what was going on, as the two royals kept on rambling, making her dizzy, when suddenly a food-laden tray was placed in her hands and she was gently pushed in through a set of double doors, causing her to stumble slightly. She turned around, to see the doors closing behind her, followed by a sound that suspiciously sounded like the locks turning into place.

"Huh?" Isabelle felt confused.

She looked down at the food-laden tray and turned around to see Alexander grumbling with his hands covering his face, and another man standing beside him, an amused glint in his crystal blue eyes. The man that stood next to Alexander was rather handsome, and Isabelle couldn't help but admire him. He was a tall, muscular attractive man and he certainly fulfilled the criteria of a ladies man and charmer, but his blonde hair made his appearance gentler. Isabelle tore her eyes away from him and looked at Alexander.

"It has come under my knowledge that you demanded that I bring your supper to you?" Isabelle inquired, putting emphasis on demand, as she was not used to being ordered around. Alexander looked at her from the space between his fingers and sighed.

"Mother sent you?" He questioned in return.

"Yes, although I am not quite sure as to what she was saying as Natalia and her were both talking together, making it rather difficult to understand." Isabelle sighed as she placed the tray down.

"Why won't she listen!" He groaned in annoyance as he covered his face again, the man beside him chuckled at Alexander.

"May I know what is going on. If you don't mind your highness." Isabelle said, her words laced with sarcasm. The prince sighed and sat up straighter. Alexander had an uncertain look in his eyes and just as he opened his mouth to explain, Isabelle interjected as she realized all the times the queen would lock Isabelle and Alexander together.

"On second thought. Don't tell me. I have a feeling that I don't want to know what the queen plans." Isabelle sighed as she played with the ring on her finger. Alexander nodded in understanding. Suddenly the mystery man beside Alexander cleared his throat, gaining both of their attention.

"Alexander. Don't you suppose that you should introduce me to such a beauteous baroness?" He asked in a deep baritone. His compliment made Isabelle blush, as he gave her a flirtatious smile.

"Alright then. Theodore meet Princess Isabelle of Scotland. Isabelle, meet Prince Theodore of Monaco." Alexander introduced.

"Pleasure," Isabelle said as she held out her hand.

"Pleasure's all mine, your highness," Prince Theodore stated flirtatiously as he kissed the back of her hand.

"Well, I will leave you two to your...duties. Once again, pleasure making your acquaintance Prince Theodore." Isabelle started with a curt nod as she turned around to leave.The two princes watched her leave, but Isabelle seemed to stop directly in front of the doors.

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