Chapter 2: Blood Wood Forest

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The French Royal family was seated at the table, enjoying breakfast, in silence like they usually did for as long as anyone could remember. However, today someone broke the silence that had bathed the dining area.

"Where are Isabelle and Natalia?" Queen Clarisse asked no one in particular. No one answered, indicating that they were unaware of their whereabouts.

"Alexander, why don't you ascertain on Natalia?" The Queen suggested, but it seemed like she was ordering him. Alexander looked up at his mother's request.

"I'm sorry, come again?" Alexander questioned as he leaned forward slightly in order to ensure that he heard her alright.

"Go and see where your sister is, I believe she has slept in. You should go and confirm in her chambers." The Queen said again.

"Why not send a servant to do that?"

"Alexander, I believe I told you. Not the servants." She stated putting emphasis on 'you' and 'not'.

Alexander sighed and got up from his place. He walked out the room while his mother had a mischievous smile sported on her lips, making everyone else confused.


The prince knocked on his sister's chamber's doors and waited for a response.

"Natalia? Are you here?" The prince asked as he opened the door and slipped in. The chambers were dark, but there was a little sunlight streaming in through the blinds, slightly illuminating the chambers. He could make out a figure sleeping on the bed with the duvet pulled all the way over the head.

"Natalia, get up. Breakfast is getting cold." He called from the foot of the bed. The figure, Natalia he assumed, moved under the covers.

"Natalia, I don't have all day." Alexander sighed as he moved forward. Natalia groaned and pulled the duvet closer. Alexander rolled his eyes at the actions. He grabbed the top of the duvet and pulled it off, causing the person to shriek. His eyes widened when he saw who it was.

Princess Isabelle sat up in bed as the cold air hit her bare legs, due to her nightgown having ridden up till mid thigh during the night. She rubbed her eyes to rid herself of the sleep.

"Natalia, that's not very nice. I was dreaming of being back in Scotland, you destroyed my happy moment. " Isabelle whined as she continued to rub her eyes.

"Isabelle? What are you doing here?" She heard Alexander's unambiguous voice call out to her. Her heart rate increased, and her cheeks heated up. Slowly she lowered her hands and looked back at the peculiar grey-brown eyes that belonged to the eldest Prince. Stuttering and mumbling she got off the bed and quickly pulled on her robe, fastening it around her figure.

Just then the door inside the chambers opened revealing a panicked Natalia in her peach colored nightgown and her light brown hair resembling a rat's nest.

"What happened? I heard you scre...Alexander?" Natalia said hurriedly but stopped mid-sentence as she saw her brother standing in her chambers an almost inconspicuous pink shade adorning his cheeks.

"Mother told me to wake you up, and I thought it was you on the bed. Why is Isabelle here? What happened to her chambers?" Alexander questioned with his arms crossed over his chest, his hard gaze directed towards his sister. Natalia opened her mouth to respond, but instead of words a scream came out. Instantly she closed her mouth and looked at Isabelle, who had a hand on her neck and she was looking around the room with a panicked expression.

"Natalia! My necklace! It's gone!" She cried out and instantly Natalia's eyes widened.

"T-the one that had been passed down from generation to generation and has the Royal Scotish crest on the back with a rose engraved in the front? That necklace?" Natalia stuttered.

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