Chapter 14: Reconcile

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It had been three years since Alexander's coronation as King. And throughout those three years, Alexander never stopped sending his letters to Isabelle. Yes, he sent her letters. The first one cleared the misunderstanding, and the rest were just him talking to his fiancee. He missed her, and he mentioned that in every letter.

But...she never responded.

During these three years, Alexander tried his best to go to Scotland and personally talk to her, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to take out time for anything besides the welfare of France. However, despite a majority of Alexander's time being spent maintaining France, he proved to be an exceptional King.

France flourished in his reign. The empire expanded, the trade blossomed, and overall France became one of the strongest monarch countries in a very short time. He became a respected and feared king. He gained the complete trust of his loyal subjects and ensured that his enemies knew whom they were dealing with if he was ever crossed. The tales of Alexander, the highly regarded King of France, were known far and wide. His name was bound to be remembered in history.

It was 7th February today.

Not only Isabelle's coronation.

But her twentieth birthday as well.

Everyone was gathered at the Royal Scottish grounds. Awaiting Isabelle's arrival. Soon she was walking down the aisle wearing a maroon gown with a white cape draped over her shoulders. She had grown rather beautiful during the three years, more mature, and more like an elegant queen rather than a naive princess that she was before.

Isabelle's mother stood to her side, standing proud and tall that her daughter had grown up. Isabelle bowed her head as the crown was placed on her head. The priest then stood to the side as she advanced towards the throne as the priest recited in latin, then finally said:

"Queen Isabelle of Scotland!"

"Queen Isabelle of Scotland." The crowd roared.

"Long live the queen!"

"Long live the queen!"

"Long live the queen!"


Isabelle now had changed into a beautiful black lace gown as she greeted her guests. Suddenly she was tackled in a hug causing her to stumble back a little. Pulling back, she squealed in excitement when she faced Natalia.

"Natalia!" She laughed as she hugged her tightly.

"It has been too long Isabelle!" Natalia exclaimed as Isabelle agreed wholeheartedly. Once she pulled away from Natalia, she was greeted by the 15-year-old Claire, who looked absolutely adorable in her pink gown. She then met the Queen, who embraced her so tightly that Isabelle couldn't manage to breath for a second. After her, she smiled up at the 22-year-old Nathan who looked handsome as ever. He smirked down at her before giving her a quick hug.

"I'll beat you in swordplay this time for sure, Belle," He whispered into her ear causing her to laugh.

Pulling away from them she peered over their shoulders in hopes to see Alexander.

"Where is Alexander?" She asked the French Royals. Everyone glanced at each other solemnly.

"Umm...He couldn't come. He had to remain back in France due to some matters that required his immediate attention." Claire informed slightly hesitant when Isabelle's smile drooped. "He apologizes for not being here."

"It is alright," Isabelle said with a dismissive wave, trying her best to hide the distraught she was feeling inside. "He has duties as a King after all. I understand."

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