Chapter 19: Dazed

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After Mary's death, Isabelle became cut off.

Yes, they were on bad terms, but she was till her mother.

Isabelle knew that.

Now it was almost 3 months since then, and Isabelle finally came around. She talked to Alexander, but she wasn't very talkative any more. The happy-go-lucky spark had left her eyes, leaving behind an unmatched ferocity and determination of a queen. 

She had Alexander on his toes and it was great entertainment, the Royals had to admit.

Isabelle had insisted on being part of every meeting that regarded the welfare of France and Scotland and that she had a right-given the fact that she was queen-to be aware of the current situation of matters.


Finally 4 months later, Alexander was having an impassioned duel-being able to get away from his duties- he had the luxury to train. Being clad in full battle armor he wore his helmet before preparing to meet his opponent of the day, another soldier also covered in armor from head to toe, swords held in their hands. 

Both of them circled each other, waiting for the first strike to be made. Alexander's opponent was the first one to strike, aiming for his midriff. The king managed to side step, as now it was his turn to deliver a blow, which his opponent parried with his sword, pushing back causing Alexander to stumble.

Suddenly the soldier attacked with new found vigor-trying to land blow after blow after blow-to Alexander, showing the King what he is made of. The king managed to either dodge or sidestep the strikes, which only frustrated his opponent to no extent. A smirk made it's way onto Alexander's lips as he hooked one leg behind the soldier's and then pulling, causing his opponent to land flat onto his back with an oomph.

Alexander offered his hand to him, which the soldier took, but instead of using his hand to pull himself up, his opponent pulled him down, forcing him to come down crashing, and roll out of the way a second before the blade of the sword embedded itself in the place where his head had been.

'This is competition.' Alexander thought as he jumped onto his feet. Wasting no time to kick him in the stomach causing him to stagger back, before regaining his footing, and using his sword as a javelin in the king's direction. Alexander turned to his left just in time for the sword to embed in the pillar behind him.

Seeing as the soldier was now weaponless Alexander ran forward with his sword held out in front of him, but just as he was about to hit him, a force hit Alexander's knee as his arm was being twisted behind his back. Not a second later he was kneeling on the floor, his blade held under his chin.

Both him and his opponent were breathing heavily, neither of them being able to formulate words. Suddenly the sound of clapping filled the arena, then there was the loud applause that followed that one person's clapping. Both Alexander and his opponent stood up and realized that all the soldiers had been watching them, and were all thoroughly impressed by their newest recruit.

Both the King and soldier bowed to each other in respect before turning towards the hooting crowd. Alexander couldn't help but smile at their antics. Once the clapping died down, a soldier came forward with Alejandro behind him.

"Your Majesty. King Alejandro has arrived." The soldier stated to Alexander as he bowed then left.

Alejandro stepped forward with a smirk and bowed to the king.

"Your Majesty." He said with a sickly sweet smile. The soldier beside Alexander bowed to him, then to Alejandro, prepared to leave.

"Wait, soldier." Alejandro called causing him to stop in his steps, before turning to Alexander. "If you don't mind, may I have a duel with this fine young man?"

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