Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16


I inhaled deeply seeing my brothers coming closer to us. I can see a lot of girls turned their eyes on my brother the moment they came in the restaurant… Shane, Caleb and Eric got the same treatment a little while ago. I sighed, damn…I am surrounded by these handsome creatures.

Fred gave mom a bear hug and dad as well. Keith gave my mom a kiss and a hug for my dad. Both of them greeted Tracie, Eric, Aqua and me.

“Hey baby…” Fred cooed Aqua and she giggled.

“Fweddiiieee!” Aqua squealed pinching Fred’s cheeks.

“Aww you miss you uncle?”

“Yesh!” Aqua answered.

“Hey…” Fred said talking to me.

“I miss you guys.” I gave him and Keith a hug. I truly missed my brothers.

“We miss you guys too.” Keith said.

“So…why are we so many?” Keith asked eyeing on Shane and Caleb.

I breathed again. How should I start this? “Uhm… this is Caleb and Shane..the-they are uhm…neighbors.” I said stammering. “Keith and Fred…my brothers.” I introduced them.

Both of their expressions tell me that they did not believe me. But before they can answer me back dad intervened.

“So let’s all take our seats and have a nice dinner…hopefully.” Dad said and muttered the last word.

We all did what he said and took our seats. Fred took Aqua with him letting her sit in his lap. We ordered our meal and started talking about how everyone was doing since we haven’t seen them for a long time.

“So Eric and Tracie, I can see that you guys are still together…not tired yet?” Fred grinned as he wiggle his brows teasing the couple.

Eric hissed. “Shut up Fred, you had your chance.”

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Tracie had a crush on Fred and she confessed to him two years ago after I found out I was pregnant. Fred seems to like her too but then the age gap seems to matter to him since he was a senior and popular and stuff. I think they dated for a while but never really got the stage of boyfriend/girlfriend thing. It was hidden in the school and that’s where Tracie and I became close. Sometimes she comes to me crying when she saw Fred kissing a cheerleader in the hallways. I sighed internally remembering Tracie’s crying face. When Fred told her about college and what they’re doing was not going anywhere she was broken hearted, even though it wasn’t a long time but she did have a genuine feeling for my brother back then. When Eric learned about when Fred did they were in a war zone thing, thinking back it was so awkward and they had the worst fight ever when Eric saw Tracie crying in front of Fred when he told her about not working out.

After Fred left, Eric and Tracie became close, it was long before they got together since, well Tracie feels bad for being with Eric after Fred but I assured to her that it’s not something to be ashamed of especially when she started to feel something about Eric. And now they are together.

Tracie rolled her eyes. “And you are still single?” She teased back.

You go girl! I cheered internally. Fred NEVER had any serious relationship because of his…well overall attitude.

Fred’s grinning face fell. “Nice comeback Trace. I never knew you can be that feisty.” He said and winked.

“Can you stop flirting with MY girlfriend?” Eric said emphasizing the word MY.

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