Chapter 38. You went to love and back.

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"I've listened to your song," I said. Yes, I know, pretty lame answer after all the deep stuff she said earlier, but it's all I could think of.

"Cool," she answered, looking down.

"It's good. I like it," I added, but still no words would come out of her mouth. "Hey, listen, I'm so sorry for how I took things, but I just couldn't help it. I would hate to lose you, I honestly would, and most of all if it's to Ian."

"You could never lose me to Ian."

"It wouldn't be the first time you get back with him against all odds, Blake," I said, as her eyes met mine, showing anger and a bittter disappointment.

"I can't believe you're saying that. What's your problem mate? You've been chasing me for months and now that we're together you don't want me anymore?"

"I do want you, I love you Blake, but I don't know. It's Ian, he's the only boyfriend you've ever had, he was your first love, he was your first everything."

"That doesn't mean he'll be the last. I never want him to be the last," she said, looking as serious as I've ever seen her. 

"It's not you that I don't trust Blake, it's him."

"Zayn! Can you please stop thinking and talking about Ian?," she yelled, getting up from her bed. "I'm getting tired of this, what is happening to you? You used to be the only one who somehow believed we could be something! You were the only one who ever yelled at me for getting back with Ian! I swear I don't understand you Zayn, I don't know what you want anymore," she said, breathing heavily. I stood up from the bed and walked towards her, trying to pull her in for a hug, but she pushed me away. "Don't try to make this fight look less than it is Malik."

"Blake, I'm just trying to fix..."

"Fix what, Zayn? You're not trying to fix anything! You're just trying to find a good excuse to leave me!," she shouted, on the verge of crying.

"Please Blake, don't cry," I told her, coming closer, as she looked up at me.

Blake's POV

"It's like you went to love and back all of a sudden, Zayn."

"I do love you Blake."

"Then stop thinking that I'll fall for Ian again, I'm with you now!," I couldn't stop yelling at him. I just couldn't. And I couldn't even stop my tears from falling down my face. I didn't want him to see me cry, I don't like anybody to see me cry. But this was hurting me so bad that I couldn't do anything to help it. I love him, and I know he loves me too, he said so, and he's not the kind of guy who would lie when it comes to speaking about his feelings.


"Malik, have you ever had a girlfriend before?," I asked him, as he played with my fingers.

"Yes, right before the X Factor, and well you sure know about me and Rebecca," he giggled.

"Oh yes, I remember, your crazy little fans went mad because of that," I laughed.

"Yes, some of them."

"Do you ever wonder what would've happened if you never auditioned for the X Factor?"

"Sometimes, yes, why?"

"I often wondered what would've happened if our manager had never saw us play in that party at our school."

"How did he even know about the party?"

"He was kind of dating Tommy's music teacher, " I laughed. "He asked for our number and called us the week after to set a date for our meeting, and here we are," I said, looking up at him, and I found him smiling. "Why are you smiling like that, Malik?," I laughed at him.

"I just realised something."

"What is it?"

"I love you, Blake," he answered, leaving me speechless. No words came out of my mouth, but he came closer to me anyway. "I'm in love with you," he whispered in between kisses.


"We can't be together if you don't feel this way anymore Zayn," I finally said, after the awkward silence.

"I didn't say I don't want to be with you anymore."

"That's what you're showing though, I can't be with someone that doesn't love me the way I love him. I know what it's like to be the only one that sacrifices for a relationship, and I don't want to be through anything like that ever again. Not even with you, as much as it hurts."

Zayn's POV

She can't be saying those things to me. She just can't. After all that we've been through, after all I've fought to get her to love me. But once again, it's me who's messing this up. It's me who's making her cry. It's me who's making her go through this pain again.

"Blake, I love you, and you know that," I said, almost closing the gap between our faces, until my lips finally met hers. At first she seemed to fight back and try to part away from it, but she soon surrendered. 

 "I told you we'd be trouble for each other," she whispered, before kissing me again.

And that time it felt as right as ever, as if we were meant to fight for what we had.

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