// and i see your pajamas //

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I woke to the sound of knocking on the hotel room door. Matty groaned next to me. "Go awaaay," he said. He pulled me closer to his chest and I brushed his hair from his face. The knocking got louder and I heard voices outside. The curtains were open and I could see it was still the middle of the night. I looked at the clock behind Matty's head. It was 3:35am. Everyone had just come back from the party.

"Matty." I said as I touched his hair again. He responded with another tired groan and I kissed his nose.

"Oi why don't you have your key?" Matty yelled at the door. He finally got up, he was only in his boxers. He opened the door a little crack. "Can you get another room, mates?"

"What? Why?" One of the boys said. I think it was George.

Matty opened the door fully. The light fell upon our bed which I was sitting up in, hugging the sheets to my chest. I wasn't wearing anything. I probably turned bright red as all of the guys hollered and patted Matty's back. Matty was grinning but you could tell he didn't want them to see me without any clothes.

"Right, well, I'll just go to my room." I kept the sheet around me while leaning over and grabbing my shirt and panties. I started to put them on but Matty came to me and stopped me.

"It's just you and I tonight." He said holding my wrists gently, and then kissing my neck quickly before turning back to the guys.

He gave them a look and they rolled their eyes and went back down the hall to the elevator. Then he closed the door and strolled back to my side of the bed. He climbed right over me and plopped himself down next to me.

I lied down and turned towards him. "I'm not really tired anymore."

"You're not?" Matty closed his eyes.

"No, I'm not." I nuzzled my face into his neck.

"I love you." I said quietly, but confidently.

His eyes opened gently at this, and he said he loved me too.

"I am so happy you came with us on tour."

"I am too."

"Do you miss Megan?"


"You should call her."


He kissed me on the lips and I straddled him. We kissed like that for a little while and then I told him I was tired again. I knew he was exhausted. But it was a lie, I happened to be wide awake.

When I was a kid, I used to sing myself to sleep, since my parents never sung me lullabies. I started to quietly sing once I thought Matty was asleep.

"And this is how it starts...

You take your shoes off in the back of my van...

Yeah, my shirt looks so good..."

"When it's just hangin' off your back." Matty startled me. I knew he was grinning.

"I adore you, babe." He said into the skin on my back.

I giggled and sang loudly.

"Use your hands in my spare time

We got one thing in common its this tongue of mine!"

"Shut up!!!" We heard from the room next door.

Matty and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Then we both fell asleep.

// short chapter but I'm updating again tonight! Hope you like these cute types of chapters. I like writing them. //

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