Reim Lunettes x Reader Alone Time

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As Requested by @NWinn06 I apologize for the long wait!!


"Didst thou move my notes?" Rufus Barma asked well looking around his now organized desk.

"Yes, they are in the second drawer on your right" you pointed, not even bothering to look since you automatically knew.

Currently you were cleaning up a mess of papers that had been scattered onto the floor by non other then your Master Rufus Barma himself.

Rufus stared at you for a moment to frown, he wasn't to happy with you 'Organizing' his Papers not to mention his 'Research'.

After he knew that you wouldn't look at him he decided to stop pouting and just open the drawer you said his notes were in.

And much to his surprise there they were, stacked and organized by date and time written.

Barma raised a brow and hummed a small, contented "hm" which made you smile to yourself since you had been wanting to impress your 'boss' for quite the while now.

'Absolutely worth two hours of organizing' you thought to yourself as you reached for the last few pieces of scattered about paper.

Once the papers were all together you rose from your uncomfortable spot on the floor and made your way to where Rufus sat.

Placing the papers down on his desk you skimmed them over then handed them to him in smaller bunches of ten or so.

Rufus looked through them, placing the one's he deemed important on the opposite side of the desk well the others into the trash.

"Thou has gained quite the lot of skills since starting at my side.." Rufus said, not averting his eyes from the papers you had handed him.

You raised your brow, complements were a rare feat for the Crimson haired man and so far today you had gained two. Perhaps this was Rufus' lead in to have you do something for him.

"Thank you very much Sir, I do try to learn quickly" you said humbly as you bowed your head, Rufus waved his hand "No need to thank me, I was simply stating a fact" he said.

You smiled "ah I apologize" "no need" he replied then pointed over to one of the many large bookshelves "Bring me the untitled book on the left of third shelf" he ordered.

You nodded and did as asked, well walking over to the shelf there was a knock at the door.

You looked to your Master who gave you a small nod and you took that as it was okay to let them in, you walked over to the door and reached for the knob.

"One moment!" You said then opened the door to find none other then your coworker and Boyfriend, Reim holding a folder.

He looked at you for a moment almost as if he was surprised to seeing you "ah hello (Y/n), I thought you were doing library clean up today?" He asked making you shake your head.

"No and yes, I was ordered to clean Lord Barma's study, his room is practically a library.." you whispered and Reim smiled "ah I see"

"So what brings you by? I thought Lord Barma had you looking though something on that 'Headhunter' business?" You asked and he held up his folder.

"Actually that is what I'm here for, I finished my research" he said and you chuckled "well I say, you sur-" "Reim" Rufus called out, cutting you off and waving for Reim to come.

The both of you shared a glance at each other before Reim mouthed a 'Sorry' and walked past you and towards his Master.

You watched as he made his way to Barma's side hastily, things had been like this for the two of you ever since you started dating.

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