Chapter 13- Because twinkies are like coming home

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Chapter 13- Because twinkies are like coming home

SURPRISE! I know, I'm supposed to be on my hiatus and that I had announced I would update after 23rd, but I just couldn't resist giving you lovely, people an update to say 'thank you' for keeping me motivated and laughing with all your messages and comments. And you got me #97 on humor even when I haven't updated in like, TWO months. You guys, if the people around you didn't say you're amazing, go to them and TELL them they're lucky to have you, just like me. *cheesy grin*

Dedicated to @AoiEri for all her sweet messages. Thank you so much!

Anyway I'm sneaking this update when I should be like, studying because my first term exams have begun and my next exam is on Wednesday, my mom's glaring at me but I honestly am not going to succumb, I spent weeks of sleepless nights, heavy slogging and I gave a tiring three hour paper today and I have more in the weeks to come, so excuse me if I want to de stress a little. I'm shameless, sue me.

Anyway here's the newest chapter! I hope you guys like it!





That was the one word that could describe my life at the moment. I am ordinary Sophia Martell, I am everybody's girl next door, you wouldn't think the girl next door's life could take a complete one eighty degree turn, could you? But life, had funny ways of proving things wrong.

I shifted in my bed, struggling to sit up, the pain shooting up my spine making me groan. I fell back against the pillow, breathing slightly harder and tried to push myself up again, but the heavy bandaging around my ribs tightened making me hiss.

"Hey, hey, easy there cupcake." Austin's voice soothed as he entered my room and helped me sit up, settling the pillows behind me. I bit my cheek, trying hard not to swoon.

Behave Sophia, you're supposed to feel injured not hormonal.

I smiled at Austin's chiseled face, willing my butterflies to calm down as he poured me some water, bringing it to my lips.

Now this was the part of crazy that I couldn't believe was happening to me. It's not everyday a billionare who happens to be very handsome comes to live with you, right? Not to mention a billionare you came to know through a wrong number. Austin had offered to help me relocate my house after the hospital decided that I could be discharged in terms of strict vigilance and bed rest. But hey, this was my house, I had bought it with my years of hardwork, I was proud and attached towards it, I had painted and loved and looked after every inch of it, I was not going to leave my house for some deranged moron.

So Austin teamed up with Trish and Alex and decided I was incapable of making sane decisions, so they for some reason turned in charge of my life. In the past few weeks, Trish filed for a restraining order on my behalf. Alex ordered strict security for me and Austin made sure that I was invigilated every second like I was some delinquent. He initially sent a nanny, a nanny and a bodyguard to look after me but I lost my shit and ranted to all of them that I wasn't a runaway popstar and that they needed to cut down on the celebrity factor. After realizing that I could actually smack them for caring so much they toned down. Austin sent away the nanny and the body guard and surprise, moved in himself in my humble abode as compared to his mansion to look after me till I fully recovered.

I still can't decide if I should be flattered that he cares or be offended and smack him with a rubber glove for barging without notice.

Who cares? I decided to forgive him the minute he cooked for me. You can't complain much when a celebrity chef offers to cook all your meals. That's just rude, isn't it?

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