Chapter 15- You hear that sound? That's the sound of my heart breaking

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Chapter 15- You hear that sound? That's the sound of my heart breaking.

Heyloh mi cupcakes! I was thrilled with your sensational response in the last chapter. A lot of you wanted Esmeralda under the bus and some of you had interestingly evil descriptions that made my day.

So this chapter is dedicated to all of you who right now are staring at your computer/phone screen and are waiting to know what happens next and are probably having some sweet smile on your face.

I'll put an end to your misery. (Yeah right)

So, here you go!





I blame them.

They were the reason I started believing in love, Prince charming's and happily ever after's even when my entire life rotated against it. I wanted to be oblivious and all happy and believing but how can you believe in something if it doesn't exist in the first place?

But why me? Why did I have to be subjected to the same cycle again and again? What have I done to always be pushed back?

I clenched my fists, trying to block out the hollow pain in my chest that felt as if someone had taken my heart and ripped it in two pieces and then flung it against a wall.

I shook my head, what was I expecting? Sunshine and rainbows and a happy ending? This was me, there was bound to be heartbreak, after all everything seemed too good to be true and obviously I couldn't be lucky enough to have that, could I?

"Sophia.." Aerin softly said, looking at me afraid, like I could break.

I was breaking alright? On the inside. You hear that sound? That is the sound of my heart breaking.

"I'm okay." I lied.

Aerin rolled her eyes.

"Right. I believe that. If you're okay then why are you crying?"

I bit my lip, realizing I did have tears running down my cheeks. Damn my tearducts.

"Something must've gotten inside my eye." I whispered hoarsely feeling my throat close with emotion.

"Sophia...Don't....don't bottle it."

And that did it.

I burst like a freaking dam and started crying a river.

I didn't even notice Aerin's arms around me as I cried for everything. Austin, him being engaged, me thinking that he could love me, me trying to deny that I didn't like him when I did, my bad luck, me not being able to walk, Ryan, him assaulting me, everything that was wrong with my life.

Finally when I'd created a large patch of tears and snot of Aerin's expensive Versace dress I finally stopped bawling and I was pretty sure I resembled a raccoon with additional blotched skin and runny nose.

In short, I was a hot mess but I couldn't bring myself to care. I didn't understand what had happened. How it had happened and why it was making me feel like someone had stabbed me. Nothing made sense. Just hours ago, I had Austin making me pancakes and kissing me goodbye, now he had a fiancé?

"D..did you know about this?"

Aerin shook her head. "I knew Esme and Austin were close and their families were discussing something but I had no idea it was...this. Austin never mentioned an engagement, maybe that b*tch was lying, don't lose heart Sophia, I'm still betting on you two."

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