Chapter 24- Do I impair your braincells?

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Chapter 24- Do I impair your braincells?

Heylohh cupcakes! I know I'm supposed to be on hiatus but I just can't stay away from wattpad for too long. It's finals time rounding up and I wanted to squeeze in as many updates I could before exams hit me because after that I can only update after march 18. And I can't bear to look at my text book right now. I've been studying like I've been possessed, so I totally earned some free time, I suppose.

Anyway read on.




"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we? Are we? Are we? Are weee?" Victoria, Jenny's four year old daughter repeated for the umpteenth time as she peered from the small window of the private jet, standing on the seat as she looked down at the tiny specks of land below.

"We'll be there soon sweetie, why don't you go sit down and play with the others?" Caroline, the ever patient grandmother assured as she gently lifted her off the seat and to the ground.

Victoria pursed her lip in thought and nodded, her blonde ringlets bouncing as she skipped away to the back of the aisle to join the other kids who were currently engaged in some kind of role play. Marvin was having a gala time with the other kids. Stef and Jen had two kids each. Jenny had two beautiful twin baby girls, Victoria and Vanessa with identical blonde ringlets and sparkling blue eyes. Stefanie had a six year old son Dylan who had his mother's dark hair and brown eyes and then there was little Millie who was only three and clearly the baby in the group. Austin's third sister Emma was supposed to meet us with her family at the destination itself.

We were currently flying to Miami with the entire pack. We were flying in Austin's private jet and when Austin had mentioned "jet" I had assumed it was big but I hadn't realized it was this big. There were seventeen people on board and it still seemed like it was half empty.

The kids ran up and down the aisle, squealing and laughing with their mother's throwing in snippy warnings with the dad's telling their wives to let go.

I looked around at the hustle and bustle and I couldn't help but smile. I loved how chaotic it was and yet how comfortable it felt. I loved it.

A familiar hand covered mine, interlacing my fingers with it. I looked up to see Austin smiling down at me.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I rested my head against Austin's shoulder looking around, smiling.

"I was just admiring the entire atmosphere. This family setting is kinda growing on me."

Austin chuckled. "It eventually does, despite all the noise, chaos and squabbles."

"It sounds great." I hummed just as Millie toddled up to where Austin and I were sitting.

She handed me her doll, the doll had ridiculously large eyes that goggled around all over her head, it kinda reminded me of Annabelle the ghost doll but I wasn't about to mention that to Millie.

"Could you pweese take care of Pwincess Penelope while I pway? She's sleeping."

I smiled at the little girl and took the doll. "Okay sweetie. I'll take care of her."

Millie gave me a wide toothy grin and hopped away to join the others.

Austin eyed the doll warily.

"To be honest, that doll is disconcerting. It scares me, look at its eyes.. It's creepy."

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