Chapter 4- Life, I am not your personal comedian. Stop messing with me!

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Chapter 4 – Life, I am not your personal comedian, stop messing with me!

Okay, I wasn’t really planning on updating, because well, I’m going to have my exams starting soon…but then I saw that WN reached #468 on Humor and nearly had a fit. This chapter is like a big thank you for being such amazing reader’s to me!

Oh and if you read my other stories then you would know, that my stories are never the typical teenage love stories and WN is not different, how? You’ll get to know!

Chapter dedicated to @Silentpoison for being such an awesomesauce fan and the winner of the best comment!





“Soph, you gotta do it. You can do it. Come on.” Alex coaxed me, like father who was urging his constipated kid to take a shit.

I gulped.

Winner’s never quit, and quitter’s never win.

Yes, I could do it.

I puffed out my cheeks and walked out of the car with my chin held high. I am the boss. I could do this.

One step. Who’s the boss?

Two step. I’m the boss.

Three step-



I huffed, feeling the dirt stick to my face  as I very ceremoniously announced myself as a klutz by faceplanting myself on Ryan’s driveway.

Sometimes I wonder why God forgot to smack me silly with the lucky stick, what had I done to have bad luck stuck to me like it was a lamb and I was effin Mary.

Why couldn’t I be like those super amazing women in movies who could face their cheating boyfriend like fireballs?

But no, In Sophia-land you get to face plant your body and your last traces of self respect onto your boyfriends very rocky driveway.

Just dandy.

Jesus, Sophia, are you okay?” Alex hurried behind me, picking me up.

“I’m fine.” I grumbled, rubbing the gravelly dirt off my face and clothes.

Alex shook his head, and helped my get to my feet.

“How are you even alive? With your motor skills, I am surprised you haven’t thrown yourself under a monster truck.”

“I’m clumsy, Alex, not mental. Now, buzz off.”

Alex raised his hands in defense and retreated to his car.

He mouthed ‘All the best dork’ to me and drove away but knowing him, I knew he would be waiting for my call at the café downtown, knowing me being me, he might have to come and step in soon, to be Mr. Superhero.

I rubbed my sweaty palms against my jeans and pulled the sleeves of my sweater lower so that they could engulf my entire hand in them as I walked to Ryan’s front door. I had refused Alex’s offer to join me inside. This was matter was Ryan and mine, and we had to handle it ourselves.

The ten boxes rested outside Ryan’s front door, courtesy Alex.

Memories. They flashed through my mind as I walked to the door. His smile, his eyes, his laugh, his words, his kisses…

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