Chapter 27- This had to be a big cosmic joke

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Chapter 27- This had to be a big cosmic joke.

Heyloh cupcakes! Your reactions in the last chapter had me snickering evilly. I swear wattpad brings out the evil twin inside me. And I am supposed to be researching and studying for my MUN conference but for some reason each time I try to do that I either get distracted by youtube or I have the urge to update. *sigh* Suffice to say I better not get my ass whooped at the conference and study later.

Anywayy let's get on with the update!



"I knew you'd come back to me, sugar."

One word- delusional.

I gritted my teeth, feeling my temper flare. I had enough of his stupid shit to last me a lifetime and I was tired.

"What the hell do you want Ryan?"

He gave me a slow smile that made hairs stand up on my neck as I discreetly scanned around myself to find a suitable weapon for defence, the candle stand seemed perfect.

The only glitch? Ryan was standing right beside it.

"Us sugar, I want us back. I don't know why you don't see how perfect we'd be..yet all you do is whore around with that dick." He snapped and I flinched at his tone. His eyes glinted dangerously.

No, not again.

I felt a creepy sense of déjà vu, I could turn on my heels and run but I was around sand and the shoes which I was wearing would get me nowhere and I knew he would catch up, my best bet was in knocking him out cold or chucking him into the ocean and hope virtual sharks would devour him.

I eyed the candlesticks again, they were perfect. I had to lay my hands on them somehow.

I walked closer to him, softening my gaze hoping he couldn't see through my façade.

I put my hands around his neck and hugged him.

"You're right baby. I'm sorry. I should've realized it sooner." I mumbled into his ear, feeling my stomach churn. I pressed my body closer to his while I inched my fingers behind his back to the candlestand.

Ryan stood shocked but only a minute later he grinned against my neck and nuzzled it with his face kissing it lightly.

"See? I knew you'd come back for me if I came after you. I knew you loved me."

In your goddamn wet dreams.

I bit my tongue to avoid myself from spewing caustic words and inched my fingers more closer to the candlesticks.

Come on, please, please, please.

My fingers finally wrapped around the cool metal of the stand and I almost sobbed with relief as I held it firmly and without a warning flung it at Ryan's head.

Ryan let out a loud scream and unhanded me and without wasting a second I bolted, flinging away my stupid shoes and ran.

The sand flew around my legs as I ran like my life depended on it, because god knew my life did depend on it. I couldn't see anything in the dark but all I knew was that I had to run as fast as I could without looking back.

I finally crossed the beach and looked behind me and saw no one. Fat tears rolled down my cheeks as I sobbed, fear and temporary victory overwhelming me. I took out my phone from out of my bra, thank god for those.

I flipped it open, my hands shaking.

"Not so fast sugar." Ryan's voice behind me made me jump.

My eyes widened with horror as I took in his face, it had blood dripping from one side.

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