The Accident

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"Get off the damn couch," Sawyer grumbled as he smacked Jared upside his head. "What," Shay ask as she sleepily wipes at her eyes. "Come on Giggles," Sawyer said with anger dripping into his voice. "Shit," Shay shouts as she jumps up and runs back towards the bathroom. She trips over a shoe in the hallway and the guys can't help but laugh. "Haha," Shay says sarcastically as she gets up off the floor. "She didn't want to be alone Casanova so don't freak out," Jared tells Sawyer as he gets up off the couch. "Just drop it," Sawyer says as he walks outside to his bike. Sawyer was jealous and it made him angry because he had never been jealous in his life. Shay had gotten in him and for the first time ever he said I love you meaning it. He had never been with anyone as long as he had with Shay. Though he figured there wouldn't be another besides Shay.

"Running late oh boy," Finn says as he exits the house. The screen door slamming behind him. "I guess finding dead bodies does that," Sawyer says still angry from Jared and Shay. "Would've never found a dead body if you hadn't been sneaking my neice out," Finn tells Sawyer as he shoots him a glare. Finn gets on his bike with out saying more. He knew Sawyer was the one who was going turn his little niece from a girl to a woman and that alone made him want to kick his ass. "Something is off with her," Sawyer said not being able to hold it in anymore. Shay wouldn't talk to him or tell him anything but he knew something was wrong. "Like what lad," Finn asked as a look of concern crossed his face. "I don't know," Sawyer says, "But she is acting different, worried or almost scared. She keeps bringing up Emmet but she won't talk to me. I was thinking maybe you knew or would talk to her." Finn was worried now. Why would she be scared or be bringing up Emmet? "I'll talk to her," he told Sawyer but first he would be talking to Quinn. If Emmet had been hurting Shay he had slipped deeper into the darkness then they knew.

Finn pulled out of the driveway as Shay walked out of the house with Jared on her heels. "Ready," Sawyer asked lifting his one eyebrow up in question. "Let's go Casanova," Shay told him but she didn't look at him. She didn't understand why he was mad. Jared was like a brother to her. She would never do anything with him. Shay climbed on the back of Sawyer's bike and loosely wrapped her arms around him. Sawyer let out a laugh as he started his bike up and he shakes his head. "What," Shay asked him in a crappy tone. Sawyer pulled off out of the driveway towards the school. He didn't talk for a second and Shay didn't think he was going answer her when he said, "You're mad at me for being mad at you." Sawyer laughed again as he shook his head once more. "Stop the bike," Shay yelled out to him. Sawyer looked back at her with a questioning look. "Stop the bike," Shay repeated determined to get away from Sawyer right now. She had enough on her plate without him being crappy with her. Sawyer sighed and slowed the bike down to a stop on the edge of the road. Shay jumped off the bike and started walking off as soon as they stopped. Though Sawyer stayed beside her instead of taking off and says, "It's an awfully long walk to school Giggles." Shay didn't say anything she just continued walking. She was about to blow a gasket with everything going on in her life and she was afraid if she responded she would blow up on Sawyer. "Fine have it your way," Sawyer said as he waved his hand dismissing her then drove off leaving Shay there to walk to school.

   "You sure pissed her off," Jared says to Sawyer as he pulls up beside him. "Fuck you," Sawyer growls out mad at Jared because he was the reason they were fighting right now. At least that was who Sawyer was putting the blame on. "You need to get her to talk to you Casanova," Jared tells Sawyer knowing that Shay needed someone who could convince her to go to her dad about Emmet. "What's going on with her," Sawyer ask and you can see the worry in his face. "I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone just talk to her though," Jared told Sawyer as he puts his hand down on the throttle and takes off past Sawyer. Sawyer knew something was going on but now he knew for a fact. If Shay hadn't talked to him by the time their Cali trip was over then he planned on making her.

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