Eye For An Eye

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Emmet woke up to the sound of pans clanking around. Then he smelt the smell coming from the kitchen. He rubbed at his sleepy eyes as pushed the blankets back. He got out of bed and put his house slippers on before heading downstairs. He stopped in the kitchen's doorway and watched his dad. His dad was attempting to cook which shocked Emmet. He couldn't remember the last time his father had cooked. It had always been take out till Shay got old enough and started cooking the meals. The fire alarm pierced the silence and Quinn growled out,"Shit." He grabbed up a hand towel and walked towards it as he noticed Emmet and gave him a gentle smile. "Let me help dad," Emmet said as he walked towards the burnt bacon and threw it in the trash. "I guess I was never good at cooking," Quinn told his son as he looked at him a little embarrassed. Emmet gave his father the first genuine smile in awhile and said, " Shay taught me a few things or I wouldn't know how. Though I got it pops. It was the thought that counts." Quinn walked over to his son and squeezed his shoulder. He seemed better then he had been in ages. He was smiling and they were getting along again. Quinn smiled to himself and thought just maybe there could still be a happy ending.

   Finn watched his brother and Emmet in the kitchen. They seemed to be a normal father and son right now. It almost scared Finn that Emmet was acting so normal. He was waiting on the other shoe to fall and Emmet to break apart. He knew Emmet seemed to be going on the right path but what happened if Mitch found something to link Emmet to the murders. Emmet wouldn't go down without a fight and it all came down to who got caught in the cross hairs. He only prayed Shay was out of the way.

"It's so beautiful," Shay says as she sinks her toes into the sand. "Not as beautiful as you," Sawyer said with a devilish smile as he leaned down to capture her lips. Shay smiled at him as she pulled away, "I'm hungry feed me," she tells him with a smile. "Well your in luck the charter here owns a dinner," he tells her as he jumps up off the ground. He held his hand out to Shay and when she took his hand he pulled her up into his arms. "Let's just forget life for few days," he told her as he looked down into her eyes. "Ok," she told him as she looked down when her cheeks turned red. She let out a little giggle as she wrapped her hands around Sawyer and snuggled her face into his chest. Sawyer rubbed his hand down Shay's side and up her stomach but he paused there. She had put on a little pudge since being at the hospital but he would never say that to her. "Let's go get food," he told her as he walked towards the hotel pulling her behind him.

Emmet sat in the chair twirling his thumbs. The deafening silence made him even more nervous. The only thing that could be heard in the room was the ticking of the clock. Emmet could've sworn it got louder with each tick so much that's all he heard. The longer the wait was the more nervous he had became until the point he was about to bolt. He begin to stand and he caught his dad's stare but then the door opened and a beautiful black haired woman with a light complexion called out, "Emmet O'Neal." Emmet turned towards the woman with a nod as he walked towards her. He followed her through the door and down a long hallway before stopping at a door with a plaque that read Rebecca Wright Student. She opened the door and held it for him. Once he entered the room she followed behind him and took a seat in a bean bag chair. "Hope you don't mind but after twelve hour days I need a comfy seat," she said as she flashed him a smile. Emmet felt a tingling in his stomach he hadn't felt before. He liked this woman already. "No not at all," he told her with a grin. "Ok you want to tell me a little of what brought you in," she ask as she folds her hands across her lap. Emmet let out a laugh before saying, "Not really but I guess that is why I am here." Rebecca's face softened as she stared at Emmet and said, "Ok let's start off simple. Tell me about your life. Do you have siblings? What do you do? What are your hopes and dreams?" He pulled out a pack of smokes and asked, "Do you mind?" "Not at all," she told him as she grabbed an ashtray from her desk and handed it to him. He lit up his cigarette and took a long drag off it before saying, "Well I'm the Prince of the MC here in town, Men of Chaos.  That's my heritage and birthright it comes along with a bar I'm expected to run too." "Do you want to run it," she asked as she studied him. He looked at her realizing she was good at her job. She was easy to talk to. He blowed out a puff of smoke before saying, "No not really but you know my little sister is here.  She is in love with a prospect and I don't think she will ever leave. I can't leave her either. She is the one good thing in my life."

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