The Kidnapping

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   "Wake up sleepy head," Lilly says with a laugh as she pokes at Shay. "Huh," Shay says as she rubs at her eyes trying to wake up. "The men want us to meet them at the diner for lunch," Lilly tells her as she plops down on the bed. "Lunch what time is it," Shay ask but she doesn't get an answer. There was no time for Lilly to answer before Shay jumps off the bed and takes off running towards the bathroom. She slams the door behind her and Lilly wonders what is going on. Lilly walks to the bathroom door and gives a gentle knock as she yells out, "Everything ok?" She doesn't get an answer but is met with the sounds of Shay throwing up. "Gross," she says to herself as she walks back to the bed an waits for Shay.

    "Everything ok," Lilly ask as Shay comes out of the bathroom. "Yeah I think this medicine they have me on is messing with my stomach," Shay tells her as she walks to the sink and splashes cold water on her face. "Or your pregnant," Lilly says teasing her. Shay froze as she tried to figure out if it was possible. The condom had broke few weeks ago but they did do pregnancy test on her in hospital and it had came back negative so there was no way. "Haha not funny," Shay tells her as she shoots her a glare. "What it is possibility," Lilly says as she wiggles her boobs around in her shirt trying to make them sit just perfect. "They did a test when I was in hospital," Shay tells her not feeling very patient at all right now for Lilly's antics. "Ok well Miss Pissy lets go find the men," Lilly says and leaves the room not even waiting for a reply. Shay loved Lilly but for some reason her fuse was short fused and she couldn't take her poking fun at her right now. Her moods were everywhere and she couldn't seem to control them. She grabbed her purse up off the table and headed outside where Lilly was.

"What took you ladies so long," Jared asked as they entered the diner. "Someone didn't want to get up and she woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Lilly says as she tilts her head towards Shay. Shay rolled her eyes at the girl as she went to find Sawyer. "Something is off about her," Lilly tells Jared when Shay his far enough she can't hear her anymore. "The head injury was pretty bad," Jared tells her as he lights up a cigarette. "No it's something else," Lilly says studying Shay, "She got sick this morning." "Sick how," Jared ask concerned. Shay never got sick he couldn't remember a time in all the years he had known her that she was sick. "She threw up first thing this morning," Lilly told him as she grabs the cigarette out of his hand and puts its out. Jared couldn't help but smile. She hated that he smoked and never missed the opportunity to tell him. "Pregnant," Jared questioned knowing that's what was usually wrong when girls threw up in morning. "She says they tested her in hospital," Lilly says as she grabs Jared's drink sipping on it. "Can those things be wrong," Jared ask curious. He didn't know much about pregnant test. "If it was to earlier but I don't think she will even consider the fact it could've been wrong," Lilly says as she stares at Shay who was wrapped in Sawyer's arms. "I'll talk to him about it," Jared says knowing that's why Lilly brought it up to him. They both knew if anyone could get through to her it was Sawyer.

    "Well if it isn't the princess," Nails said at Shay's arrival. "In the flesh," she told him shooting him a grin.  This dude had a coldness in him that most members in the MC didn't. She had seen many men in the MC and they all held a certain amount of coldness. You had to if you wanted to survive in the club but this man sent chills down her spine. She would never show that he made her fearful but she wasn't certain her brain would obey. Sawyer wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "So how is the King and Prince and why didn't they join you," Nails questioned and she felt like there was a double meaning to the question though she couldn't place her finger on what his motives behind the question was. Shay let a fake smile cross her face as she stared him straight in the eyes as she said, "It's my birthday trip and they figured they would give me some freedom and let me go alone. Though with the accident I think they both realized I need some time away and who better to protect me then these two men. Plus they had some business that needed handled."

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