The body

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Tens years later.......

"Giggles get your ass in here so we can watch the movie," Sawyer Richardson yelled to Shay who was in the kitchen. "Get your feet off the couch before Quinn comes home and kicks your ass," Jared Black says reminding him of the biker father Shay had. Though as a prospect Quinn could make Sawyer's life a whole new hell. "Yeah yeah," Sawyer says mockingly but still he takes his feet off the couch. "Done Casanova," Shay says as she comes into the room and throws a piece of popcorn at Sawyer giggling as she does. "Give me some of that," Jared says as Shay sits down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. "Thanks Giggles," Sawyer says as he leans over and gently kisses her lips. Before anyone knew what was happening Emmet had burst into the room and grabbed Sawyer up by his shirt. "Emmet," Shay screamed out but it was too late he had already punched Sawyer in the face. Emmet wouldn't be able to beat Sawyer up so Shay had to step in. Her stupid brother was about to get his ass kicked.

Shay jumped off the couch and ran towards the boys. "Break it up," she screamed as she pushed Emmet away from Sawyer. She stood in front of Sawyer not letting him pass either to get to Emmet. She could feel Sawyer's shaking body pushing against hers but he stayed behind her body. "Don't touch my sister," Emmet spits out, "They may trust you but I know you are just like your father, a rat bastard." "Jared," Shay says looking at Jared pleading for him to help her. "Fuck you," Sawyer growls out before he tries to push around Shay. "Baby baby please don't," Shay pleads with Sawyer when it's obvious that Emmet has hung himself where Jared is concerned. Sawyer looked at Shay and his face softened but when his gaze returned to Emmet it instantly became furious again. "Fuck you bitch boy," Sawyer says glaring at Emmet, "Everyone knows the only reason you lasted in this club was because of who your dad is." Shay saw in Emmet's eyes something she hadn't seen before. It chilled her to her bones because whatever she saw was pure evil.

Emmet charged towards Sawyer then and Shay knew if she didn't stop him Sawyer was going kick his ass. She swung on Emmet when he got close enough dropping him to his knees. "You stupid bitch," Emmet growled out at her. She sent her knee straight into his throat causing him to go down on the floor the rest of the way as he gasped for air. The door opened then to reveal Finn and Quinn coming through. "Fuck," Shay says and Emmet takes his opportunity. He grabs Shay's legs while she is distracted taking them out from underneath her and sends her flying towards the floor. Emmet puts his hand around Shay's throat but Quinn rips him up by his shirt. He throws his son across the room into the wall before yelling at him, "You never touch a woman much less your sister. Do you understand boy?" Emmet shakes his head yes but his father doesn't take that as acceptable. "Use your words boy," Quinn growls out showing a side of him Shay had never seen. Then again her brother hadn't ever been this openly aggressive with her before. "Yes sir," Emmet said with his head lower.

"Now someone tell me what the hell was going on here," Finn demanded as he stared at everyone in the room. Shay was the first to speak up hoping to get Jared and Sawyer out of trouble, "Emmet attacked Sawyer because Sawyer was kissing me. Then some words were exchanged between all of us and Emmet came at Sawyer again so I hit him. Then I kicked him in the throat but dad the stuff he said was messed up ask Jared. He deserved to get his ass kicked. What I did was a step up from what should've really happened. Sawyer should've kicked his ass." "Fuck you," Emmet spit out at his sister. "You three leave the house," Quinn tells Sawyer, Shay, and Jared as he points at them. "Emmet go to your room I will be up in a bit," Quinn says as he turns to his son with sadness.

His son had a dark side that scared even him and he wondered if anything could actually help Emmet. Quinn had got the club set up on the right path. They had been making all their money legit through legal businesses. Finn and Quinn had the bar which was the big money maker. Black Auto motives and Hale Security all made pretty good money themselves. The men of course had to work a nine to five now but the cops weren't on their trail anymore and they were safe. There was no longer the fear that someone was going try to take your family or you out at any second. Though Emmet had kept all the darkness and sometimes Quinn saw a glipse of that darkness in his eye. He had saw it tonight when Emmet had yelled at his sister. He feared for his daughter to be in the house with him sometimes because like typical brother and sister they fought but there was that fear Emmet would take it to far one day.

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