Plans Made

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     "Hey so you want to help me get a tattoo or more so it's going be a brand," Shay asked Rebecca. Rebecca had been the only one she could think of that would help her. She was fulfilling her right as MC Princess and getting tagged. It would be simple brand mark going across her back that read Chaos Princess. Though it wasn't all that simple because she had to sit still for them to brand each and every word into her skin on her back.

      It was going hurt but she didn't care. She couldn't chance getting a tattoo because of ink poisoning would be bad with her pregnant. "Fine but if anyone ask I didn't go with you," Rebecca answer and Shay couldn't help but smile. She knew she needed someone of age and no one in the MC would take her because by now they probably all knew her father's plan. Everyone would know what she knew. This mark would brand her MC royalty for life. There would be no mistaking who she was and if any rival MC saw that without protection she could be screwed.

      That's why she was doing it so they had no choice but to not send her away. Without their protection she would be a dead woman walking. "Thank you," Shay finally said snapping out her thoughts and replying. "I'd say your welcome but I have a feeling this may blow up in my face," Rebecca said with a sigh, "Remember I didn't know anything. I'll be there in ten minutes." Shay smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. She thought the idea was clever and she was convinced she could protect her son from ever patching in. She just had to get Sawyer out of the club that was the curse. Like Nails had told her father, "The sins of their father." If Sawyer and her didn't concern themselves in club business then their kids wouldn't feel an obligation to the club. Now though she had to convince Sawyer that her idea  was the perfect idea like she thought it was. 

           "I'm going to bar do you need anything while I'm out," Emmet asked her startling her and making her jump. She turned and smiled at her brother. He seemed to be doing better but who knew Emmet was good at hiding stuff. "How are you doing," she asked him as she stood up and walked towards him. Once she reached him she held her hand out to him. He took her hand in his and smiled at her saying, "Shouldn't I be asking you that? Your bruised and battered with a bun in the oven." "Two buns," she told him with a giggle. Emmet's face brightened while a huge smile spread across his face. "Twins," he said as he pulled her into his arms. "A boy and a girl," she told him as she snuggled her face into his chest.

        She loved her brother so much even with all the bad stuff he had did. He was still the man that protected her since she was a little girl. A part of her couldn't think of what he did because she didn't want to hate him. So she swept it under the rug but she knew she  had to talk to him about it at one point. "I know what you had to do brother and I wish you would've told me I could of helped you," she told him looking up at his face. His eyes widen in shock obviously not thinking she would know. "You had to and there is nothing wrong with that," she told him squeezing him tight. "If you know then you should know why it's so dangerous to raise your kids here," he told her pulling her back so he could look into her eyes, "This club is like poison. It corrupts all it touches." "That's why I need you to help me get Sawyer out," she told him purposely leaving out the fact that she was still going stick around. "Of course little sister," he told her as he pulled away from her. "Forever my brother," Shay told him as she watched him walk towards the door. "Forever my Princess," he told her with a smile before he left her to go to the bar.

     She wanted to say more to him because there was still so much that needed said but she knew Rebecca would be there soon. On cue Shay heard the horn of a car honking in front of the house. She hurried and ran downstairs and out the front door before anyone could see who she was leaving with. Once in the car Rebecca turned to her and said, "This could be the stupidest thing I've done." Shay let out a giggle before saying, "I promise no one will know where I got it or with who." "They better not," Rebecca said with a sigh. They take off down the road and Shay was quiet not wanting to say anything that may make Rebecca decide not to take her. They were both defying the club and sticking it to them. While Shay was the Princess so she would only be grounded but Rebecca technically wasn't anyone to the club yet. She wasn't even an old lady yet but she wouldn't go back on her promise. No one in the club would know she had brought her. They pulled in front of the tattoo parlor and Rebecca looked to Shay asking, "This is really going hurt. Are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes," Shay told her with stern look on her face, "I can't let them send me away Rebecca." "Let's go then,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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