Chapter 2

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Niall's POV.

Good night princess sweet dreams, I love you.
I type out the words and sleepily press send. I force myself to stay awake to wait for a reply.

The message
•Goodnight, I love you too.
Pops up on my screen and I smile to myself. I've been talking to Madison for a while now and I love it. She's so much fun to converse with...I wish I could tell her the truth about who she's talking to...I wish I could video chat with her and not lie to her about who I am, but I have too..for now at least.

I lock my phone and and put it on the charger next to my bed, I close my eyes and doze off into imagining what my life would be like if Madison was physically a part of it.

Madison's POV. (2 & 1/2 weeks later)

I wake up and yawn then tiredly stretch.  I look at my clock that reads 9:37 am. I sit up and grab my phone to see if I had any plans for the day, and check for a message from James.

School ended and I graduated about 6 days ago and I haven't heard from him since. I think it's because I mentioned wanting to meet him..

I have 0 messages from James and a lot of false hope. I've texted him twice since he stopped replying and I want to text more but I don't want to be annoying about it, I understand when I'm unwanted.

I take my phone in hand and stand up and walk to my bathroom and take off all my clothes. I stand in front of my mirror and tilt my head examining every part of my body. My hand runs over my hips as I feel old faded scars under my fingertips.

I'm glad they're as gone as they could be...they hold bad, hateful, and upsetting memories.

I slightly frown and shake it off as I walk to the wireless speaker on my sink, and connect my phone. I immediately open Badlands and play the first song on the album. I absolutely adore Halsey and all of her music.

I turn on the hot water and hop in the shower. I sing along to every song that comes on and foolishly dance around while the hot water pats against my skin.

About 45 minutes later I turn off the water that is now cold and wrap myself in a towel. I turn on my bathroom fans to unfog the windows and mirrors.

I walk back into my room and grab a pair of ripped light blue jeans, matching vs underwear and bra, and a white t-shirt, and I place it all on my bed. I walk back into the bathroom and sit In front of my big mirror. I take out my blow dryer and flat iron and begin to do my hair.

After my hair is all dry and straight I go and put on the clothes I had already picked out and do my make up.

It's now 11:00 am, I look socially acceptable, and have no plans. I sit on my bed with my phone and  out of instinct I check for a message from James, still, no reply.

I sadly go through quotes on Tumblr. I don't understand why he hasn't's weird, he usually always replies right away. I hope he's okay, I hope nothing happened to him...but something inside me is telling me he's fine.

I knew I shouldn't have mentioned meeting him. I scared him away when I had no intention to. I miss talking to him...I just now realized talking to him was the only thing I really did all day...cause now I'm just bored and lonely, stuck talking to people who don't interest me what so ever. Talking to James was different, the highlight of my day was when his name popped up on my phone or computer screen. I was always so quick to open the message and reply. I don't know why I adored James so much...I barley know him really...but I do, I can't wrap my head around it...but he's still always on my mind.

I just graduated high school... I have 1 year break before I got to college, and I have no idea what I'm gonna do with my life. I knew I shouldn't have listened to my dad and taken a break In between high school and college. I have no plans, and no job. Not that I need a job, my parents are beyond fucking loaded.

My best friend Cal recently wanted me to tour with him and his band on their first stadium tour to be their makeup artist, considering that's what I want to go to college for. I said I'd think about it, I wasn't sure what my plans were for the that I know I have none, I can go.

Touring with these 4 teenage boys is a dream many girls hold, I shouldn't pass it up. I watched them go on their first arena tour through My phone and it'd be amazing to see it with my own eyes.

It could be extremely fun really, watching them perform nearly everyday from backstage, being there to tell them how they rocked after every sounds more then fun. Traveling the world and having the time of my life.

I've decided I'm going on this world tour with Calum and the boys.

I send a message to Calum letting him know my decision...if the offer is still at hand that is.

I'm gonna tour with 5sos and have the time of my life...not worrying about Internet boys that would never actually be anything to me.

My phone buzzes a couple minutes later and Calum's name pops up on my screen. I open the message and it reads
YES! I'm so glad you decided to come, no other make up artists wanted to do it, they said it was too big of a job. It's gonna be great trust me! We leave the 7th of October, I'll  you more details later babe, we're gonna have a blast! (:

I smile at the message. Calum's always so positive and I love it. I can't wait for this tour, he's right...we're gonna have a blast.

Hey guys it's Sabrina! Thank you all for the reads, I love you all so much! I'm sorry it took a couple days to publish, school is always getting in the way and what not, and halfway through writing this chapter I hit writers block. I'm also sorry the chapters are so short right now, but when we go further into the story they'll get longer! Okay love you all so much, don't forget to vote!

The Boy From Tumblr.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora