Chapter 4

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(October 5th, 2 days before tour)

Niall's POV

'okay..ill see you then, by bye princess' I say and eagerly end the call.

one month ago was the last time I talked to Madison, and she said she wanted to meet me. I was beyond ecstatic when I received her message that day, but I knew there was a small possibility it would happen.

before I met her I would have to tell management. so that's what I did. I opened up to them about the fake tumblr I had...and about the fans I was talking to online. I told them how much it would mean to me if I got to meet Madison, they completely ignored my request. they deleted my tumblr account and made it part of my contract to not interact with fans online, unless it's official and approved.

they didn't give me the option to see her or even explain to her that I couldn't talk anymore.
from the moment I stopped messaging with Madison I missed her and our conversations beyond belief. I never realized talking to her became such a part of my daily routine until it stopped.

hearing her voice over the phone picked up all the pieces inside me I've been missing for over the past month. I imagined her to sound beautiful...with a hushed calmed tone and a vibration in her voice that was so soothing and calming, but what I'd imagined was nothing compared to the way she sounded. I could've never hung up that phone and listened to her talk for my whole life. I never realized a human being could simply sound so breathtakingly beautiful, and I'm positive she's as beautiful as she sounds.

I never knew that the night I stayed up writing her fan mail 6 months ago would bring me to this girl who never left my mind.

i don't regret staying up all night 6 months ago  re-writing the message over and over because I knew it needed to be absolutely perfect.

the way she worded every thing she blogged, and the passion she had for everything she supported, and her writing always took my breath way. her writing pieces were absolutely beautiful. from poems to short stay up night after night reading them over and over until I had the courage to message her. and I'm glad I did.

there is something I regret everyday. not telling her the truth about me. about who she was talking to, I wish I would've told her sooner that what she hoped for had happened. instead I'm going to tell her now.

I'm beyond frightened about what her reaction will be. after all her favorite is Liam, and nothing gets on my nerves more then the fact that she's a "Liam girl."

everything I know about her is absolutely  perfect, except for the fact that her favorite member is Liam, but not even that would've stopped me from speaking to her.

if only she knew I was James.
if only she knew I sent her that fan mail 6 months ago.

she will know, soon enough she will know. and I'm beyond fucking scared to see what happens next.


(October 6th, one day before tour, the day they meet.)

Madison's POV.


my alarm clock obnoxiously screeches in my right ear and immediately reach over and quickly push on the snooze button. 

I lay there with my eyes closed for 2 minutes after the alarm clock rudely woke me up. as soon as I realize today was the day I sat up as fast as possible and checked my phone.

The Boy From Tumblr.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora