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Morgan Pov

"I need you to take care of Lilian." My sister-in-law, Erin, told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Our pack was currently under attack by a group of rogues and we were supposed to be getting to the safe room. It didn't make sense for me to take care of Lilian when Erin was already there.

"Morgan, I can't hide in the safe room with you. I need to help Leo defend the pack."

"My brother's not going to like that."

"I don't care. There's really no time for us to argue about it now. I'm the luna of this pack and I cannot sit by as it gets destroyed. Now take her." Erin ordered.

Seeing as she was right, I couldn't argue with her any longer. I reached out to grab my one year old niece from Erin. As soon as I had her in my arms, Erin shifted into her dark gray wolf and left to join the fight.

Lilian began to cry at being away from her mother, but there was no time for me to comfort her. I turned away from the direction that Erin left and towards the pack house where the safe room was held.

I ran fast, knowing that we were out in the open and would be vulnerable to a rogue attack. Being the alpha's sister while also holding his daughter meant that we were a big target.

I was almost to the pack house when I noticed wolves that were exiting the building. They weren't our pack wolves though, they were rogues.

Getting to the safe room was no longer an option and I made dash towards the woods instead, hoping to go unnoticed by the rogues. Unfortunately, Lillian's cries only attracted their attention.

I sprinted faster, realizing there were rogues now chasing after us. 

I tried to envision a map of where I might be, but I was never skilled at geography. All I knew was that I was going east. Actually, I wasn't even that positive I was headed east. Despite this, I was sure there had to be a neighboring pack nearby in this direction that could help me.

In the woods I hurdled fallen logs and crushed several twigs on my way. Unfortunately, the forest floor was also uneven. All of these small obstacles seemed to slow me down more than I would've liked them to.

Lilian screamed louder now that she jostled in my arms from my movements to escape the rogues. There was no way we would be able to hide from them either. Even if Lilian were a quiet child, they could easily follow our scents. It also didn't help that I couldn't shift into my wolf when I needed to carry Lilian. My human form was slower than my wolf form, making my chances to get away from the rogues much slimmer.

Just when I didn't know if I could run much longer, my nose picked out the scent of other wolves. These wolves were not rogues, however. They were a part of a pack and through the weakness of the scent, I could tell they were a couple hundred yards ahead from me.

This was my chance. These wolves could possibly save me if I could just reach them.

My pace had been beginning to slow and finding a nearby pack was enough to motivate me to go faster. Only I didn't get to run faster. One of the rogues had gotten close enough to me that he reached out and dragged his claws down my calf.

A searing pain ripped through my entire leg after feeling the skin of my calf tear. I collapsed to the ground no longer able to stand with my injured leg. I tried my best not to crush Lilian, but she had ended up under me as a result of the fall.

There was no chance that I would be able to run from them now. I shifted into my wolf form hoping I could hold them back in a fight until help came for us. By instinct, I knew that the only thing that mattered was keeping my niece safe. If I died in that moment so Lilian could live, it would be worth it.

I first huddled over Lilian and howled towards the sky. It was a howl full of desperation and it would tell others that I was in danger. I assumed that the wolves from the pack had already detected our scents, but they may have left us be until we came closer to their border. My howl would make certain that they come to my aide.

Standing to my full height, I snarled at the three rogues in front of me. One of them growled back in response. I took a small step forward making sure that Lilian was safely guarded behind me. This let the rogues know that they would have to get through me if they wanted the alpha's daughter.

I continued to stand my ground and the rogues made the first move. The came at me all at once. It was a struggle to keep them away from Lilian while I was outnumbered, but receiving extensive training during my youth made it possible to hold them back enough for me to survive.

There were many close calls as I could barely defend myself from all three of them at once. I received many slashes across the chest, the bone of my right paw broke after being stomped on, and I narrowly escaped death after pulling away before a fierce jaw could clamp down of my jugular.

I couldn't take anymore. Luckily, I finally had more wolves on my side. The warriors from the neighboring pack arrived and began effortlessly tearing apart the rogues that had tried to kill me.

I crumpled to the ground after shifting back into my human form. I curled myself around Lilian, wanting her close to me. It may have not been the greatest thing for me to do as we were now both completely covered in blood.

My injuries could heal quickly due to my enhanced wolf abilities, but there were so many that they could be life threatening if I didn't seek out medical attention soon.

Things began to blur as exhaustion took over my mind. I could only faintly hear mumbling and feel warm hands lift me before blacking out.

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