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Morgan Pov

"Let's do something!" Ashlyn said walking into my room.

"I still can't go anywhere, Ash."

"We went somewhere just a few days ago."

"With ten guards to get my stuff. I'm not allowed to leave this room without him and you know that." I told her. Ever since we left to go to my old pack a few days ago, the only times I was able to leave the room was when I ate meals with Calum in the dining room.

"That's so unfair. He can't hide you in here forever."

"He's the alpha, so he can basically do anything he wants."

"Ugh. I hate that."

"Don't you have to work at the nursery today?" I asked her.

"Nah. It's my day off. There's another girl working my shift."

"Good. If you want to hang out we can, but it has to be something we can do in here."

"Fine. I suppose we could watch a movie." She said.

We moved over to the couch and I picked up the remote to begin scrolling through the movie options.

Any single time I listed a movie title the response I got from Ashlyn was, "Seen it already," or "Sounds boring."

"Pick something already. We can't scroll through Netflix the entire day."

"I don't really feel like watching a movie right now." She whined.

"Then what do you suppose we do?"

"I want coffee."

"Well there's none of that in here." I stated.

"Of course not. Let's sneak out."


"Come on. There's a Starbucks literally two blocks away from the pack house. We can go there, grab our coffee, and come straight back. We'll be back so fast, Calum will never even know."

"What about my guards?" I asked.

"Xavier is on break and Lucas is the one by the door. Lucas won't tell on us."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright. Let's go."

As it turns out, sneaking out of the room was easier than I thought it'd be. Lucas didn't ask any questions and we were able to reach the coffee shop without running into anyone else.

"That was totally different than the first time I had to escape." I told her once we were inside.

"Oh yes. I heard about how you tricked Xavier. Anyway, Lucas is much more laid back than him and he isn't all that afraid of Calum for some reason."


Ashlyn and I stepped up to the front counter and greeted the cashier.

"Hi, Jo. This is Morgan. She's new to the pack." Ash introduced me.


"Morgan, this is Josephine, Jo for short. Her and I went to the same high school together."


We both gave her our orders and she typed then into the register before Ash paid. Since there was no one in line behind us, Ash kept talking to Jo.

"We should totally have a girl's night some time. All three of us."

"Yeah. That would be great." Jo replied.

"The only problem is the warden might not let her out." Ash said pointing her thumb towards me.


"Yeah, she's seeing my brother and you know how protective he is. She's barely allowed out of his sight."

"I see. You know there have been some rumors about the alpha finding his mate, but no one seems to know much about her." Jo said.

"That's because I've been locked in his room practically since I got here."

"Sounds miserable. I have a mate, maybe we could go on a double date."

"That would be lovely, unfortunately I don't think Calum will be too fond of that idea. He doesn't like to talk to others much. He hardly talks to me as is." I told her.

"That's ok."

"If only I could find my mate." Ash sighed longingly.

"You will find him some day." I told her.

"I sure hope so."

"We should probably head back now that our coffee is done."

"You're right. Goodbye, Josephine."


The way back to the pack house was full of joking and laughter. That is, until we ran into Calum standing arms crossed inside the foyer.

"Where were you?"

"Coffee." Ash squeaked holding up her drink. I could relate to her feelings of fear from being under Calum's wrath. His eyes turned murderous as a result of his fury.

"You, upstairs now." He ordered while pointing to me.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I quickly rushed upstairs to my room. I felt bad about leaving Ashlyn to deal with Calum's anger on her own, but I knew she had to be used to it and he would come for me once he was done with her.

"Did you tell him?" I asked Lucas when I saw him.

"No, of course not. Don't forget that I'm not the only guard in the area."

I groaned in frustration because he was right. Anyone could have seen us and told Calum.

I sat on the bed contemplating on how I would calm Calum down. Unfortunately, that was quite intimidating when I could hear him yelling at his sister from here.

I waited for several minutes before the shouting quieted down. Then, soon after, I heard footsteps outside the door and Calum was walking in.

"What were you thinking? Does it not occur to you that my rules are to keep you safe?" He chided.

"We didn't even leave the packlands. We were hardly in any danger." I defended whilst raising my voice.

"You are going to be the next Luna, anyone might see you as a target."

"Nobody even knows I'm your mate because you keep me locked up in here twenty-four seven." I shot back before a realization hit me. "Is that why you keep me in here? So no one will know I'm your mate. Are you that embarrassed of me?"

"Don't be ridiculous. We're not exactly at a high point in our relationship so I don't think you're quite ready to rule by my side."

"I can't believe you have so little faith in me. I understand we've only recently met but it hurts that my mate would think I'd be a bad Luna." It hurt me to even say that, but what hurt worse was that he didn't deny it.

"You've lost some trust by sneaking out today. You cannot leave this room unless I say and that is final. You defy me again and the consequences will be severe. Understood?"

"Yes. Now get out."

"Get out? This is my room too. You can't order me to get out."

"You're not the only one who can give out orders. I want to be alone. I would've stormed out the door but I'm not allowed." I snapped.

Luckily, he left without any more resistance.

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