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Morgan Pov

"I've barely seen him at all this week."

"Tell me about it. I'm his sister and he hasn't even said a word to me in days."

Ashlyn and I were sitting in the den of the pack house having coffee together. Our conversation had turned into complaints about the absence of Calum in our lives. Ever since Lucas challenged him, he's thrown himself into work so much that he barely has any time to spend with us.

"I wish he would realize that it's ok to take a break." I said.

"Me too but you know he's not going to stop until Lucas is no longer a threat to you. He's really worried about your safety."

"I understand that but worrying isn't going to help anything. I'm safer with him around me anyway."

"Then go see him. You know exactly where he is."

I couldn't argue with her on that. The man had been sitting in his damn office all week, except for nights when he only came to our room to sleep in the bed.

That was the only time I got to see him. When he walked into the room and was instantly sound asleep.

I wasn't exactly sure why it hadn't occurred to me until now that I should just go visit him while he was in his office. If he wasn't going to come to me, I would just have to go to him.

"You're right, Ash. I'm going to go see him. Have fun with the kids." We had only been able to talk because Ashlyn was on a break. Pretty soon she would have to head back to the nursery where she watched over the pups.

"Will do. Good luck with my brother."

"Thanks. I'm going to need it."

I walked through the house to Calum's office and stopped at his door. I lifted my hand and knocked gently. It was barely a wait before he was calling me inside.

Lance and Calum both turned to look at me as I stepped into the office.

"Lance, could you give Calum and I a bit to talk alone?" I asked him.

"Of course, Luna."

"Thanks but you don't have to call me that. I'm not luna yet."

"Not yet. But you will be." Lance sent me a knowing smirk before leaving the room.

"Is everything ok, Morgan?"

"Of course." I trained my eyes at the ground, not sure of what to say to him now that I was here.

"Then what's important enough that you needed to come talk to me? You know I'm very busy." He said.

"I know but I really just wanted to see you. You never have any time for me and it feels like I no longer matter that much to you."

I shifted from one foot to the other, waiting for him to tell me that I was right. To tell me that I needed to leave him be. Instead, he beckoned me closer. Hesitantly, I took a seat on his lap.

"You are the only thing that matters to me. The whole reason I've been working so hard lately is because of you. It's my number one priority that you stay safe."

"I get that, I really do. But I think that taking breaks isn't going to hurt. I need you, Calum. You're gone every morning before I wake up and when you come back to the room, it's late and all you can do is sleep. The guards are really good at their jobs, so it's ok to rely on them for even just a tiny bit."

"Alright. I'll make more time off so that I can spend it with you." He compromised.

"Thank you. Has there been any sign of Lucas yet?"

"No. There's no way he can get to you on his own, I'm thinking he's recruiting rogues to help him."

"It'll be ok. Our pack is stronger than any band of rogues. The warriors can handle it." I reassured him.

"I know we're strong. I'm just afraid that it won't be enough."

"Do you think my brother would help us if we're attacked. His pack is fully functioning again and he has men not far away if we need them at a moment's notice."

"That's a really great idea. I'll call him about it soon. Thank you. I'm really glad you came in here."

"Me too."

We both leaned into each other so that our lips met for the first time in several days. I wrapped my arms around Calum's neck and smiled into our kiss. It felt so good to be connected to him in this way again.

The moment was perfect, until it was cut off by screams.

We both leapt into action leaving our spots in the office. Together we went outside to find a small group around one of our fallen warriors.

The pack member was still in his wolf form and his body appeared to be deeply mangled. His tail had been torn off, patches of fur and skin were missing, and claw marks could be seen all around his body. The smell was rancid but I stepped closer because I wanted to shut his eyes. Instead, I could only gag as I found that his eyes had been gouged and only empty sockets were left in their places. I did not know his name, but I shed tears for what he had gone through in order to protect this pack.

It was obvious that Lucas was sending us a message. He had sought out a full grown male black wolf to kill. He wanted Calum dead, that much was clear.

I reached out to comfort Calum by touching his shoulder. He turned to look at me. His eyes were empty of any emotion.

"Look at what happens when you distract me. This is why I cannot take my eyes off security for one second! Go inside before you get yourself killed too!"

I jolted away from him as if he had shocked me. In truth, I was stunned by his anger directed towards me. How could he blame either of us for Lucas' malicious behavior?

Unable to face Calum's wrath any longer, I walked to the house as he told me to. Now with my back towards him, I didn't try to hide the tears that fell.

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