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Calum Pov

I slapped Morgan's behind as she walked passed me to get to the sink with our dirty plates. She let out a small squeal and blushed at my affections.

Ever since we mated, I couldn't keep my hands off her. Though she didn't mind, she was still incredibly shy about it. As much as I wanted her to be comfortable with her body around me, I never wanted her blush to go away. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

We had just spent the past half hour eating lunch together in the small kitchen of our room. It was my favorite place to eat with Morgan because here it was just her and me.

I stood up from my seat to help her wash the dishes. We worked in silence together and when we were done, I pulled her close to me.

"I have some time before I have to go back to the office."


"Why not? The bed is right there, I'll be quick if you want." There wasn't much point in trying to convince her. She already made up her mind.

"I don't want for it to be quick. You have work to do and I can't get in the way of that. When you're finished for the day, you can come back here and we'll spend the rest of the night making love in that bed."

"I'm going to hold you to that." Slowly, I leaned in closer, capturing her lips in mine.

She moaned into my mouth and wrapped her arms around my neck. My were under her shirt now, grasping at her bare skin. Our kiss deepened even further and I wasn't sure if I could wait to be in her until tonight.

Morgan pulled away from me abruptly. "I don't want to go any further than that right now."

"Ok." As much as I didn't like stopping, I couldn't go against her wishes. "At least give me one more kiss."

She stood up onto her tippy toes and pulled my face down to meet hers. Instead of another long passionate kiss, she pressed her lips against mine gently but only for a moment.

"I'll see you tonight." She grinned up at me and I swear it took every ounce of self control I had to walk away from her.

"I love you."

She looked giddy to hear my words and had no problem returning them. "I love you too."

I stepped out of the room and made my way back to my office. Lance was waiting by the door when I got there. He looked more anxious then I have ever seen him before.

"What's wrong?"

"Alpha, there's been rogues spotted by the borders."

My blood instantly ran cold. Our border patrols could easily handle a few rogues, but if there were more, we had a problem.

I led Lance into my office thinking that our discussion would be best if it were held in private. We didn't need the people wandering the halls to overhear us.

"How many?"

"The warriors only saw glimpses of a few but they think that these rogues were scouts sent ahead. They suspect more are coming."

"Is there anything else?"

Lance hesitated as if he knew whatever he said next would only anger me further. "We have reason to believe that the rogues are with Lucas."

I slammed my hand onto my desk. I knew this was coming but that didn't stop me from being infuriated at the news.

"Get all the warriors together. If he's planning an attack, we need to be prepared to fight."

"Alright. I'll be right on it, Alpha." He turned to leave before I stopped him.

"Wait. When you're with the warriors I need you to send some to guard Morgan. I want no less than a dozen guards to be inside and outside of her room. Let them know that under no circumstances is she able to leave until I say it's clear."

"Yes, sir."

"You may go."

I stayed back in my office for a while longer, sure that I could find something else to help us against Lucas and his band of rogues. When I did all that I could, I rushed out of the office to meet up with the warriors.

Many of them were already in their wolf forms, assuming that's how they would be fighting.

I walked towards Lance, who looked ready to lead an army into battle.

"Alpha, Timothy has just mindlinked me that a large group of rogues is approaching the northern border."

"Then that's where we'll meet them. Are there still several guards stationed to protect the pack house?"

"Yes, sir."

"Notify those on patrol, who are not set at the northern border, that they are to remain in their position in case a few rogues try to slip in another way." I ordered him.

"On it now, sir."

"Everyone to the northern border!" I commanded the warriors. It was time we ended Lucas and his plot to take my mate from me.

I shifted into my wolf form and led my soldiers to the northern border. The rogues had barely crossed into our territory when we met them head on.

I took down every wolf that came towards me. I didn't have anything against these rogues except that now they were trying to hurt my pack. Though I hurt and killed them to defend my pack, there was still only one wolf that I wanted dead. Lucas.

It wasn't long before my warriors began struggling. We may have had larger numbers, but the rogues were fearless and vicious. In truth, my warriors hadn't actually experienced that much warfare before. It showed as many of them were receiving near fatal blows.

I helped out my warriors as much as I could, but we had obviously become the losing side.

Far ahead of me stood a grey wolf observing the fight. I would recognize that wolf anywhere. I hesitated leaving my men back to battle while I finished off Lucas. The choice was difficult, until our reinforcements arrived. I had called Leo earlier and was relieved to see he had brought more soldiers to help us.

I hurried over to Lucas. I should've killed him when we fought before. This time, I wouldn't be so merciful. There would be no way for him to ever try to take Morgan from me again.

Last time, I had waited for him to strike me first. All my patience was gone and I lunged forward at him.

He managed to avoid being pinned underneath me, but he could not evade me forever. I remained close enough to paw at him viciously, leaving trails of blood in the wake of my claws.

We clashed together after both trying to kill each other in one lethal bite. I used my hind legs for leverage and shoved him to the ground beneath me.

It shouldn't have been so easy, but he never had the match of speed and strength for an alpha. Part of me wanted make his death slow and painful, but I didn't want to drag this out more than was necessary. In one swift motion, my jaw clamped down and my teeth embedded into Lucas' jugular. Just like that, he was no longer a threat to us.

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