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Morgan Pov

I woke up to an empty bedroom. Part of me was relieved to find that Calum had left early for work. I wouldn't know what to say to him if he were here right now.

I stood up from the bed stretching before heading into the bathroom. The shower in my previous bathroom had been great, but Calum's shower was magnificent. It was as if the water knew the exact temperature and pressure my body wanted. I had never felt as clean as I did after that shower.

I got dressed noting that the few articles of clothing I had here were moved into this room. If I was going to be staying here for the rest of my life, I would need many more items in my closet. I told myself to remember to bring it up to Calum later.

It was then that I heard a knock on my door. Fully dressed now, I moved towards the door to open it.

On the other side stood Lucas, holding a large plate full of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

"Your breakfast has arrived, Miss." He said.

"Thank you, Lucas." I said.

I was about to take the plate from him when he barged further into my room. I was a bit taken aback as most of the people who delivered my food gave it to me then immediately left.

Lucas walked over to the kitchen island and sat on one of the stools there. I closed the door and simply stared at him whilst he made himself right at home.

"If you don't come over here soon, I'm going to eat all your bacon." He threatened.

I could tell that he wasn't bluffing so I rushed to the other stool by him.

"Are you supposed to be in here?" I asked.

"Not really." He shrugged.

"Aren't you afraid of getting in trouble?"

"What the alpha doesn't know won't hurt him. You won't tell him I was in here, right?"


"Anyway, I have good reason to be here."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"I was told that I needed to protect and keep watch over the future Luna. I can't exactly do that if I stay outside your door all day. The door may be the easiest access to the room, but there other ways someone could get in or you could get out."

"Do you really think I would try to escape?"

"I've heard rumors -from a not so happy Xavier if I might add- that you've tried to escape once. I've seen that our alpha isn't all that affectionate with you. It wouldn't surprise me if you tried again." He told me.

"It's ok. He's starting to treat me better."

"Just because he's actually talking to you now, doesn't mean he's really treating you right. I mean, why did you stay in here last night?"

"I wanted to." He raised his eyebrow at me skeptically. Under his stare I was forced to tell him the truth. "Fine, he told me to."

"See? He's not a very good mate."

"He's trying, Lucas. He's just new to having a mate."

"That's no excuse. You're new to this too and you haven't treated him badly even after everything he's done to you. He's a bad mate. You can admit it to me. I won't tell anyone else."

"You're right. I hate it but you are. He didn't speak to me for the entire first week I was here and now all of a sudden he wants to be with me. He ordered me to stay in here with him last night and I can't even be trusted to leave this room. It's like he doesn't care about I want, I have no say in our relationship." I ranted.

"I know. You deserve better."

It was so nice to have someone to finally talk to. I felt like I could trust Lucas and know that he was on my side. He really understood what I was feeling.

"Thanks for listening to me, Lucas. Have you found your mate yet? You seem to really understand what I'm going through."

"Yeah, I think I've found her. I'm just waiting for the right moment to make her mine."

"Aw, that's nice. Just don't let her get away, okay? I'd hate to see your relationship turn out as bad as Calum and I's."

"I won't." He promised.

He smiled at me as I finished up my breakfast.

"You should probably get back to working. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble."

"If I did, it would be worth it."

"Thank you. I really needed this talk."

"Of course. I know you want to give him a chance, but you aren't obligated to stay with him if he's not treating you right."

He grabbed my plate before heading out the door without another word.

I sat for a bit longer to ponder what Lucas told me. I often thought that since he was my mate I had to be with, but I didn't. I had a choice and it was important that I didn't forget that.

I found it hard the rest of the morning to keep my mind from wandering back to Lucas.

I couldn't understand what motivated him to come in here and talk to me. He could've gotten into serious trouble for not doing his job. It didn't make sense either that he was trying to point out Calum's faults to me. I wondered if he had something against Calum, though he hadn't seemed to have a problem with him when we talked earlier.

When the door opened, I looked up from where I was sitting on the couch. I expected Lucas to come through the door, but it was actually Calum that stood there looking like he was in a bad mood.

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