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Morgan Pov

"I thought you were going to be less busy, now that Lucas is gone." I watched as Calum dug through the pile of papers on his desk.

"I thought so too. Unfortunately, that's not the case."

"You never told me what exactly happened." I said. The attack had been yesterday and no one has said a word about it to me. I had been locked up in my room, per Calum's command, and as a result the only thing I knew was that Lucas' attack on our pack had been successful after Calum ended his life.

"There's not much more to tell you. Lucas made an army of rogues, which we fought and won against with the help of your brother. Many of our warriors were injured but they're recovering quickly. Everything is fine now."

"Thanks for summary. Why are you sitting in mountains of paperwork if everything is fine."

"When Lucas was killed, many of the rogues gave up fighting and made a run for it." He explained.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It didn't sound good to me that there were still a lot of rogues out there that could attack us again at any moment.

"What do the rogues have to do with anything?"

"They didn't actually want to harm the pack. They only fought with Lucas because he promised them a place in the pack if they helped him become the alpha."

"So?" He was going to need to spell it out for me because I was not understanding how these little facts were connected.

"So that's what all these papers are for. Some of them are letters of apologies and explanations from the rogues and others are their files."

"What do you mean 'their files?'"

"We have documents stating who these rogues were when they still lived in the pack." He pointed to a new stack of papers. "And these over here are records of their trials to be banished as rogues."

"You're really considering bringing all these rogues back into the pack?" I wasn't very convinced that was the safest option for our pack.

"Yeah. I don't see why not. I'll be cautious but honestly, most of these rogues didn't even commit that bad of crimes. Here look at this." He grabbed a sheet of paper and motioned for me to look at it over his shoulder.

"Travis Moran was seventeen when he was kicked out of the pack. He beat one of my father's closest guards to death for touching his little sister inappropriately."

I gasped. "That's awful! He didn't deserve to be banished for defending his sister."

"I know. In another case, Drew Harrison was tried for stealing money from the alpha's office while he was on guard duty. This was during the time my dad lowered many guards' pay so that he could afford to build an addition on the pack house. An addition we didn't need at the time and Drew couldn't provide for his family of six on his new salary."

"That shouldn't have had to be an issue for Drew."

"I know. Looking through these makes me see how corrupt my father really was." Calum dragged a hand over his face. I reached an arm over his shoulder to comfort him. It was hard finding out someone so close to you wasn't who they seemed.

"It's alright now. It doesn't matter how your father ruled because you're the alpha of this pack now. And you're doing a great job."

"Thanks. You're going to make a great Luna too."

I smiled in gratitude and he gave me a feather light kiss.

"So what do you think? Is it a good idea to allow some of these people back into the pack?"

My heart swelled that he valued my opinion enough to ask me about such an important decision. I wasn't Luna yet, but he already cared about what I thought was best for the pack.

"Are the families of these rogues still here?"

"Everyone has a different story. Some miss their family that stayed here, others started a family out in unclaimed territory, and many of the mates don't want to have kids unless they're in the safety of a pack."

I sympathized for all the good people that no longer deserved to be cut off from their homes and families. It was time to allow them to be with us once again.

"Yes. I want the rogues to be with their families again."

"I had a feeling you might say that." Calum's eyes shines with pride as he smiled at me.

"But not all at once." I continued. "We should allow them back in over a span of weeks or months."

"That's a good idea."

"I'm full of good ideas, you know."

"Do you have any more now?"

"Yes. We should take a break from all this stressful work." I ran my hands across his chest.

"And do what instead?"

"Why don't you follow me to the bedroom and find out for yourself." It was the most suggestive I have ever been but I couldn't help that I wanted my mate.

A grin slowly formed on Calum's face. His expression turned to one of a predator's. I quickly jumped from his reach as he made a move to grab me.

I scurried to the door and made Calum chase me to the room. I felt like we were kids again just playing tag. Although, I imagined that Calum always won tag as a kid because he had quickly caught up to me and threw me over his shoulder before I could even reach the stairs.

I couldn't hold in the giggles that formed as he carried me to the room.

It was a relief to finally have the chance to just be happy with my mate.

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