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Morgan Pov

I paced my room for the hundredth time today.

It's been an entire week since I was attacked by that rogue. For an entire week I've been locked in this stupid room.

I felt like a caged animal. I could hardly stand it anymore. With the guards and servants around me, there was nothing that I had to do on my own.

I couldn't get my own food, the maids did my laundry, and I had no friends here. It all made me feel so worthless.

It also didn't help that my mate still hasn't seen me since our first encounter. He was the only reason I was still stuck here, yet I wasn't even worth his time.

This whole situation was awful. The only good thing about it was that I got to spend my time with Lilian and even that wasn't always a good thing. I loved my niece more than anything, but she was a handful to take care.

Lilian was almost always fussy because she missed her mom and dad. I may be close to her, but I could never try to replace her parents.

I also needed to feed her and change her diapers constantly. Sometimes it seemed as if she had to poop every hour. The girl liked to put me to work that was for sure. Luckily the pack had an endless supply of diapers for us to use.

Maybe taking care of my niece wouldn't be so stressful if I was actually able to get a decent amount of sleep. Lilian woke me up every couple hours needing to eat or another change of diapers. It was after this week that I questioned if I truly wanted to be a mother someday.

Not that I could ever be a mother if my mate never came near me again. I wanted to confront Calum. To tell him that this was no way to treat his mate.

Unfortunately, there was no way I could ever talk to him if no one let me out of this damn room.

I stopped pacing to pick a copy of Jane Eyre off of the bookshelf. Lance wasn't lying when he said they left books for me to read in case I got bored. The bookshelf was packed full of classics and even the newest popular books.

The only issue was that I couldn't read all day everyday and not get bored. Even having a huge selection of movies and TV shows to watch wasn't enough.

I felt like I was going crazy in here. The entertainment wasn't bad but I needed someone to talk to and something active to do.

Both my human and wolf sides were social creatures and they could not stand to be alone like that. The maids refused to talk to me and, though I had Lilian, it didn't count because we couldn't actually have a conversation. I would talk to Lilian only to be answered in baby jibber.

My wolf was also begging for a run. Being confined in the room made her claustrophobic.

That's it. I couldn't take it anymore. I was getting out of this room.

"Ah!" I screamed.

"What's wrong, Miss? I heard you scream." My guard said after barging into my room.

I sped up my breathing, trying to make myself look panicked.

"There's a huge spider in the bathroom!" I exclaimed while pointing to the one adjoined to my room. "Please! I'm deathly afraid of spiders! Will you kill it for me?"

The guard's expression turned less concerned once he realized I was not in any immediate danger. He puffed out his chest and smirked, proud to help a damsel in distress.

"I'll handle that for you, little lady. Don't you worry."

As he stepped into the bathroom, I encouraged him to go in further, "It's back there. In the corner of the shower."

"I don't see any-"

I slammed the door shut before he could fully catch on to my lie. I grabbed the chair nearby to put under the doorknob. It wouldn't keep him in there forever, but it'd last long enough for me to escape the room.

While the guard began pounding on the bathroom door, I picked up Lilian and sprinted for the door.

I wasn't exactly sure where I would go now that I had my freedom. It was doubtful that I could actually escape the pack lands. I had no plan and they had heavily guarded borders.

Without high hopes of true freedom, I ran through the hallways only wanting to get to the kitchen.

I wanted to make myself something to eat, which is something I haven't gotten to do in a long time. I was tired of my scheduled mealtimes when I had no say in what would be served. They never gave me as much as I wanted and I missed being able to cook my own food.

I was unfamiliar with the house, but luckily it wasn't that hard to navigate. The hallways led me to the stairs and down the stairs was the main level, which is where I'm assuming the kitchen would be. Unfortunately, I never made it to the kitchen.

The stairs ended up leading me straight under the menacing glare of my mate.

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