1.8 » Possible Concussion

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Caspar's POV

Me and Marcus decide to go to the gym down the street. I haven't been very pleased with my image recently. And Marcus never passes up an opportunity to get more ripped. He's Marky Butt-Butt.

When we walk into the gym, there is literally nobody here. Not a soul in sight. Damn. I didn't know Inverness was so unpopulated.

"Caspar, real talk. Do you love Joe?" Marcus asks me when we are working out. To be honest, when me and Marcus go to the gym together, we just mess around. Yeah, I guess we are working out at some times but it's mainly just for fun.

"Umm...." I say, my voice trailing off. I know I can trust Marcus with my life. Why am I not telling him I'm madly in love with Joe? I know he won't judge me. Marcus doesn't judge a lot of people.

"Yes. I love Joe. But I'm convinced he doesn't love me back. Not in that way, at least," I say, not making eye contact. I know Marcus is filled with sympathy for me, but I don't want sympathy. I want Joe to love me back.

"Have you confessed yet?" Marcus asks me. He stops doing exercise and focuses all of his attention to me, which I think is vey nice. I make eye contact with him before speaking.

"No. I have a fear of rejection. The mere probability of Joe rejecting me is too much for me to handle," I answer honestly. Marcus sighs and puts an arm around me. He pulls me closer to him so my head is on his shoulder. I am stiff at firs, but I relax. I'm just so used to only Joe doing "romantic" or "touchy-feely" stuff to me.

"I was reading some comments on our old collabs and they were all like 'Caspar loves Joe' 'Caspar's Gay' and saying all this stuff about me. It irks me because they don't know me. They don't know my life. They are all judging me, thinking I don't read my comments. I read most of my comments," I confess to Marcus, relaxing a little bit. I heard Marcus scoff, but what he said next put me in a good mood.

"Hey Caspar. Just to put you in a better mood, we are going to film a video," Marcus says. I look at him with a confused look on my face.

"We are?" Marcus nods and pulls out his vlogging camera. I smile. I should've known. I cough a little, but I still pay attention to Marcus's video idea. My cold is barely anything at the moment.

"Come on! It should be called: How Not to Work Out with Maspar. It'll be really fun. We can mess around with the equipment," Marcus says. I smile and agree to film the video.

"Holy shit guys! Me and Caspar filmed a video at the gym and I think Caspar might have a concussion," Marcus yelled the second we stepped into the house. I was walking at an extremely slow pace because I felt like I was going to throw up. It was more like stumbling around; rather then walking. When Joe saw me, he had a look of worry in his eyes.

"Casp, you okay? You still have that cold," Joe asks me, rushing over to me. He puts his arm around my waist, trying to hold me steady. I don't know how he does, but he holds me up. I slump into him shoulder, trying to stay conscious.

"I think I'm going to die," I mumble, barely coherent. Joe gasps, and stares at Zalfie; who is laying on the couch, not doing anything. Zoe and Alfie get what Joe is trying to say, and they hop off the couch. Zoe nods and Joe starts walking, practically dragging me with him. I can hear Marcus' little giggles.

Joe drags me all the way to the couch, and he gently helps me lay on the couch. Once I'm stretched out, my eyes closed, I hear his feet move away from me. I don't think Joe should have to take care of me; there is way too many things wrong with me. I hear footsteps again, then feel a cold washcloth on my forehead.

"Thanks, Joe," I mumble, only so Joe can hear. I feel Joe pull my body into his. I am so weak, I can barely hug him back, and he notices it.

"What happened to Caspar?" I hear Alfie ask Marcus. I knew they were all wondering what happened. It's embarrassing on my part; but hilarious to Marcus.

"Caspar was standing on a metal bench to get on my shoulders. He got one leg on my shoulders. He was in the middle of getting the other one on, but I went to shift my position and he fell off my shoulders and his head banged against one of the metal things in the gym," Marcus explains, trying not to laugh. I feel Joe release my body. Next thing you know, there is screaming.

"What the fuck, Marcus? You think this is funny? If you haven't noticed, Caspar is barely conscious. He has a blooming concussion, and you're laughing?" I hear Joe scream. I try to tell him to stop yelling at Marcus, but nothing comes out. My voice is gone, it's just me and my thoughts.

"It's not my fault your boyfri-" Marcus starts, but cuts himself off. I hear Joe scoff and footsteps getting closer to me.

"Caspar, I'm taking you into your room," I hear a girl's voice say. I can't figure out if Zoe or Niomi said that. I feel my weight being lifted off of the couch.

As I'm being carried into my room, I'm thinking about why Joe and Marcus are arguing. I don't think it's a big deal, but Joe has a different opinion.

"Fuck you, Marcus," I hear Joe say angrily but not so loud. That's when whoever was carrying me places me on my bed.

"Is.... Joe alright?" I ask weakly. My head is pounding and I feel like I'm about to pass out.

"Yes, Caspar. Now sleep, you need some," the girl voice says. I obey her and drift into sleep.

a/n a short chapter for y'all😄😄😄😄😄😄 DUDES IVE BEEN SO INACTIVE IM SO SORRY! I WAS READING MY COMMENTS AND IT LOLKS LIKE PPL ARE ENJOYING THIS FANFIC!!! I no longer have ig, sorry! if you need to reach me, private message on here. but I HAVE 5K READS OMG! ILY ALL!! vote and comment??

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