2.7 » Goodbye

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Joe's POV

After Caspar ran out of the hospital room sobbing, I turned to Zoe in anger. "What the hell Zoe?" I scream at her. If this was a cartoon, there would be steam coming out of my ears.

"I did it for your own sake, Joe! You needed to know what kind of person Caspar is," Zoe says, like she's the right one. That makes my blood boil.

"Shut the fuck up! I know Caspar, and yes I know his history of drugs," I scream at Zoe. I know Caspar, trust me. He's told me everything about himself, we've been best friends for a while. And what she did to him was wrong.

"Why are you getting mad at me? Caspar's the one that pretended to be straight and that did a line of cocaine and that lied to y-" Zoe started listing off reasons, but I cut her off.

"Those were my problems, Zoe! You didn't have to step in and yell at him and make him feel worse about himself! You should have let me handle it!" I shout, and I feel my knees buckle. Tears are streaming out of my eyes, and I'm weak. My whole body just collapses, and I'm on the ground sobbing.

Zoe rushes to my side, and starts rubbing my back. "I want to work things out with Caspar. Not lose him."

"You won't. I'll make things right, I swear. But that's for a different day, Joe. For the rest of today, I want to forget about Caspar. Today is gonna be our day. I'll sleep over, and when you get discharged tomorrow all will be good. Okay, Joe?" Zoe tells me. I sigh, and nod. I deserve a day with my sister. I need to forget all this dumb drama that's been happening with me and my life.


Me and Zoe stayed up till 1 am because we wanted to rewatch the entire Harry Potter series. It was super fun. She was throwing stuff at me, and I threw some stuff back. We were squished in my hospital bed and it was slightly uncomfortable, but I didn't mind. All I cared about was enjoying this moment.

"Hey Joe, I love you. Just know that," Zoe tells me whilst we watch The Half Blood Prince. I look down at her, and smile. I smile because I know I'll always have Zoe to depend on.

"I love you too, Zo. I'm so grateful for you and for everything you've done. Earlier, I know your intentions were good," I say to her. She smiled, and snuggled into my arm. I love our simple bonding moments, like this one. I just need to calm down sometimes and let myself be. I need for forget, and being with Zoe almost made me forget.

While we were hanging out, I still had Caspar in the back of my mind. It wasn't a strong thought and I wasn't thinking about him constantly, but he was still there. Like when anybody looked happy with their best friend or spouse, I would instantly think of him. I wouldn't dwell on him, but I didn't forget him.

So Zoe ends up falling asleep with me in my hospital bed before we finished the whole series. The clock rolls over to 3 am, and I'm still wide awake. I don't know why, but I can't seem to fall asleep.

I end up just scrolling through Twitter. I see a couple of funny memes, and I end up retweeting them. I'm in a good mood, so I decide to favourite some of my fan's tweets.


Aw, thanks. Retweet.


Seeing tweets like that make me so happy. I end up favoriting her tweet and stalking her whole Twitter. It's a lot of Dan&Phil and Twenty One Pilots. She has good taste in music.

Little Do You Know: Jaspar (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now