Working D.

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Im early up this morning.I don't know why but I feel this morning spirit.I guess.It such a nice wheather to go out playing or picnic-ing.But yea,Im just too old to playing outside plus,its labour day so I need to go to work to earn some money to spend for lifes.

"Geez...what a day.Its morning" chanyeol yawning while streching his waist.He get up from his bed and walk towards the bathroom slowly as he woke up early.His morning are just so typical as the others working adolesence.Shower.Get dress.Breakfast.Bla..

Once I arrived at the office.I heard a loud ahjumma voice from behind.

"The heckk!" My eyes opened wider as soon as i see baekhyun running like a flashlight towards me.Its happen to fast and all I know is Im already lying on the floor and baekhyun is on me. He always do that stupid thingy to me since we're in in gred 2.Silly Byun.His attempt sucessed this time.Take revenge? Nahh...he's to cute for payback.Smirk.


I peek at the large windows and saw chanyeol just parked his vehicles at his usual parking spot.Im curious how he always parked his car at the same place EVERYDAY? Forget it.Stalking chanyeol is more interesting rather than curious about something stupid.Chanyeol have entered the building.Its showtime!

"Woah...he arrived earlier that I thought." Baekhyun smirk naughtyly.He get himself prepared to crash chanyeol.He already think of this like thousand minutes.A few seconds later,he saw chanyeol entering the main door of the office.Gotcha!

As he wanted the plan goes well,he shouted to distract chanyeol as chanyeol are not ready for this.

"Yahhh bikyeo juseyoo...iyahhh you watch out!!!" Just like he planned,he got chanyeol attention and they...


"Eisyyy...whata heck are you trying to do you punk?!!You just ruining my lovely working morning day.Get off from me you heavy ass!" Chanyeol keeps babbling like the older but he's still...

"Ahaa! 1-0 dude! But seriously,you've been working out huh? Your chest ohh" Baekhyun showed chanyeol double thumbs up and help him to get up.

"What's so funny about crashing into someone and feels their chest once they entered the office?" Chanyeol asked Baekhyun with his fucking serious face.Chanyeol left Baekhyun before he able to say anything.

My first writing.Yeayyy! Please stay tuned for the next chapter~ Will make it more interesting for sure.Hope so

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Happy reading :)

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