Finding Me

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Chanyeol opened the door.He smile  once he saw his brother,Kyungsoo.His only one family member since both of his parents died 7 years ago.

"Wasseo? Come on in." He shut the door after kyungsoo entered into his house.

"please sit kyungsoo.Sorry for the mess.Ermm,have you done your breakfast? You want some coffee?" Chanyeol asked happily while walking to the kitchen.Kyungsoo hang his coat and move towards the kitchen.

"Nope.You cook? Btw,can i have some tea?hehe" kyungsoo smile innocently.

"Lol.I just gonna make you some sandwiches.You know im not cooking" chanyeol passed the tea to kyungsoo.Kyungsoo receive it with smile.

"Ah hyung! Why don't you 'TRY' to cook." Is all what kyungsoo replied.

"What for? Its wasting groceries.My wife gonna cook for me btw"

"Where the hell is your wife hyung? Baekhyun hyung? Propose him instead so you're not gonna suffer from hunger.You are so tall and...and skinny like a girl now.haha" kyungsoo laughing like crazy.

"Aish this kid.For now,you're my wife.Yeobu~cook for me.And stop laughing!" Chanyeol annoyed with his brother laugh.Its not funny lmao.

But kyungsoo can't hold himself and continue laughing.Chanyeol slapped kyungsoo's hips with all energy that he have.

"Ahh hyung! Its precious.okay okay I'll cook." Kyungsoo lift his both hands like a crimes.'Surrender' signed.White flag.

"And...?" Chanyeol sly.

"Aish hyung.Propose baekhyun and i'll stop laughing." Kyungsoo peeks into chanyeol refrigerator.

"Tell me how to propose him then.Not laughing like a mental patience idiot" Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

Kyungsoo smiled.

"Find your own style." kyungsoo took out a few substances and start cooking.

"My own style? Like what?" Chanyeol stared.

"Like what? Its you.Find the own you."

"Find the own me? Finding me? Know me? Myself? I dont know my style bro"

"Then find one."

Chanyeol sighed.He really don't know what to do.Argh!!what to do? Im just blank.ㅠ.ㅠ

"hyungg!!!!" Kyungsoo pinch Chanyeol cheeks.


"Dreamer.Im calling you like 1000 times dude.Breakfast is ready to dig in" Kyungsoo place the plate infront of his brother.Chanyeol rubbed his neck.

"Im sorry.hehe.Lets eat.Thank you for the food" 

Kyungsoo smile satisfied and start to dig in.


Hi readers,
Sorry for not updating.Busy recently hehe...Btw,please enjoy my write and understand any typo error.And please Vote for my story if you like it.Its motivate me
Love yaaaa!

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