Chapter 1

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Hey Guys! I've been on and AO3 (as MusicIsTheHeartAndSoul...Wattpad seems to have a character limit so I had to change that here) for quite some time now, and I've decided to bring my stories here as well! I'm going to put the first 5 chapters up all at once, because that's what I already have completed, but I'm going to update regularly here as well as the other two sites. I hope you enjoy, and please review!

Callie shut the door to her own room silently and tiptoed across the hall to Brandon's, making sure not to wake anyone in the process. Once safely inside, she sat down on the edge of his bed and stared adoringly at the sleeping boy that held her heart. He looked so peaceful—almost peaceful enough that she didn't want to wake him.

During the day, he had been so anxious and worried over the should-we-tell-Moms-we-had-sex issue, and he deserved to get some sleep, undisturbed, before all hell was to break loose the following day. However, in all the day's drama—and boy was it a long day—Callie hadn't gotten to tell Brandon something that really needed to be said.

Callie loved him, like really loved him, and he needed to hear it. Brandon was the sweetest boy in the world, and he would go to the moon and back if it meant making Callie happy. For once, for both her and for Brandon, she didn't want to give that up.

Gently, not wanting to wake him too abruptly, she placed her hand on his cheek, using her thumb to stroke lovingly in small circular motions, drawing him from his slumber. As Callie moved her hand to trace patterns up and down his arm, he stared at her for a moment, genuinely confused.

"Hey," he muttered groggily, in that sexy half-asleep whisper that Callie loved way more than she liked to admit, "what are you doing?"

"I just wanted to see you."

Brandon let himself relax after hearing this. He thought something must have gone wrong for Callie to wake him in the middle of the night like this—or perhaps just another trip to Mexico was in the works—but he was absolutely relieved to know nothing had hurt his Callie. He laid his head back down on his pillow as Callie continued to speak to him.

"Hey, um...I should have said this, at the cabin." She paused, smiling slightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Brandon responded eagerly, his heart swelling with joy. She loved him. Callie, the girl who had stolen his heart from the minute he placed a slice of lasagna on her plate that night so long ago, had just woken him up in the middle of the night to confess her love for him, and was now snuggling comfortably up against him, in his bed.

He thought he must be dreaming.

He wrapped an arm around her, hugging her closer to him, savoring the moment. He was so positive that she was going to leave him—after every single other 'I love you' she had—that he was extremely surprised when she burrowed her face into his neck, placing her small hand atop his chest. Could she feel his racing heartbeat, racing for her and only her? He hoped so, feeling her heart beat just as fast against his touch.

How had he ever lived without this?

Callie, beginning to speak, broke Brandon out of his trance.

"I could call Robert, maybe..."

"Maybe?..." Brandon inquired, wondering if she was thinking exactly what he was.

"Maybe he could regain his parental rights, maybe...maybe I could live with him..."

"No, Callie, you don't have to do that," he rubbed her side, caressing her as he pressed a light kiss to her forehead. "Don't give up your adoption. Not for me."

"But Brandon...I want to. I have to." She touched her forehead to his, and placed a barely-there kiss against his lips. "I've denied this for so long, too long, and I just can't anymore. I can't be your sister, I can't. I love you too much."

"Callie..."Brandon whispered, separating himself from her ever-so-slightly, just enough to look into her eyes as he asked her, "are you sure?"

"Positive." She answered confidently, not even a hint of doubt in her voice.

Brandon drew her in, hugging her tightly back to him, and kissed her firmly. He couldn't help smiling widely against her lips, as he broke the kiss.

"You're so beautiful, Cal," he whispered to her, their faces still touching. Callie blushed and smiled, possibly even wider than Brandon. "What could I possibly have done to deserve a girl like you?"

"You're Brandon Foster."

"And what does that mean, my love?"

My love. Callie really liked that.

"It means that you're amazing," she breathed against his mouth, "you're the sweetest, most thoughtful, most caring person I have ever met. You would give up the world if it meant making someone else happy...making me happy. No one has ever cared about me as much as you have, and continue to every single day."

He had to kiss her, amazed by the beautiful kind words she had crafted just for him.

"I'm not done, Foster," she teased. She was impossibly cute.

"You're brilliant," she continued, eager to keep complimenting him, making him as happy as he has made her. "Your musicianship has never ceased to amaze me. I've never met a more talented 17 year old, and your capability to make such intricate melodies flow from those simple black and white keys astonishes me." She paused to look at him, biting her lip slightly. "Plus," she trailed her fingers up and down his chest, and dropped her voice to an even lower whisper (if that was even possible,)"you are really hot when you're playing the piano. I mean, you're hot all the time, but when you're in your element, caressing those keys, damn, you're sexy as hell."

Callie leaned in, looking like she was going to kiss him, but she continued to talk instead.

Callie Jacob was the biggest tease of which Brandon had the pleasure of making himself acquainted, it had been decided.

"You have this adorable, perpetually messy curly hair, that is absolutely impossible for me to not run my fingers through, and those beautiful, beautiful green eyes that I always get lost in..." She sighed, absolutely content, "you're just, like, really cute, and I love you." She kissed him for the millionth time that night, solidifying that everything she had just told him was pure truth, and that she never, ever wanted to take any of it back.

"I love you. And that,Brandon Foster, is why you deserve this. You deserve to have everything you want—me included."

Brandon was silent, stunned. His eyes were glossy, and a tear slipped down his cheek, and then another, and another.

"Oh, B..." Callie giggled lightly and brushed away his tears, "Brandon, baby, don't cry." Callie was touched that her words had enough of an impact on him to make him tear up.

He was adorable.

He pulled her on top of him, wrapping his arms around her in the tightest of bear-hugs and smiled through his tears. He kissed her nose, her forehead, both of her cheeks, and finally her lips, settling her back down against his side with his arms still secured around her, firmly.

"I love you more than anything in the entire universe, Callie Quinn Jacob."

"Don't ever let me go, Brandon. Never again."

"I wouldn't even dare think of such a crime, my love."

He pressed about a million feather-light kisses against her cheek as she fell asleep in his arms for the second night in a row, completely and totally in love with Brandon Foster.

Forever (and ever, and ever): BRALLIEWhere stories live. Discover now