Chapter 4

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"Of course we used a condom," Brandon answered quickly, his cheeks tinged pink by his obvious embarrassment, "I'm not that stupid."

All three parents were visibly relieved. "Thank God," Lena said, "I mean, I love you guys, but I'm not quite ready to be a grandma. Besides, we've had enough scares in this household to last a lifetime. It was now Callie's turn to blush, at the fact that they considered she could be pregnant with Brandon's child.

This conversation was really happening.

"Well, as much as I am disappointed in both of you," Stef spoke, no longer angry, but just sad, "Thank you for telling us now, rather than later. This could've been really ugly if Callie had already been adopted. Ugly, as in, illegal ugly. So in some sort of twisted way, thank you."

Now that the mood had lifted, and all involved were in the proper state of mind, it was time to address the inevitable. "So, for obvious reasons, Callie, you won't be adopted," Stef looked at her, both of them saddened by the finality of the statement, "but there are options we can look into, and find a decision that works best for everybody."

"Before—when I said I wanted to get to know Robert and Sophia—that wasn't a total, lie, you know. It was based in truth, and I'd like to see it through if it's still an option."

"We'll try our absolute best to make it happen, but I'm not sure about the logistics of it because he has already signed away his parental rights. We'll have to talk to your social worker, and I'll do some research. But if, for some reason it doesn't work out, there's still other possibilities. We'll see it through to the end, and make sure you end up in a safe, stable home that you feel happy and comfortable in, sweetie."

Stef and Lena both got up from their seats, silently agreeing that Callie and Brandon needed desperately to be engulfed in a Mama Sandwich after this heavy conversation. As the four of them embraced, Stef pressed a kiss to Callie's hair, and then to Brandon's. "Mama and I love you very much, you hear me?" The two of them nodded, and then it was Lena's turn to speak. "And Callie, no matter what happens, we will always love you, my dear." Callie breathed a sigh of relief and snuggled closer into her moms and Brandon. "And no matter what happens, you will always be my moms. I will always be your daughter. Me being with Brandon, or living with my dad...that doesn't change that."

"Well," Stef said, "I think this Mama Sandwich meeting is adjourned. Callie, Brandon, you're dismissed. To separate rooms, please." She added the last part with a bit of a smirk.

She's coming around.

Callie and Brandon went upstairs, as the three parents remained downstairs. "Well, that went better than I expected," Callie admitted once they were out of earshot. "Really?" Brandon questioned, "I thought that was horrible! I don't think I've been more embarrassed or under pressure in my whole life!"

"Well, there's that." Callie chuckled, "But after that, they were more accepting than I thought. I seriously thought Stef was going to hate me forever."

"Mom may get mad, but she always comes around. She could never hate you." Brandon looked at Callie, concerned, noticing her saddened expression. "Hey. You ok?" He reached out to rub her arm, and then pulled her into a hug. Stroking her hair, he muttered softly, "You're going to figure it out. You're going to end up in a home you love—hopefully with your dad—but I know you'll be here every day anyway. With Jude here, how couldn't you?"

"And you."

"And me." He wiped away the few tears that had escaped from her eye with the pad of her thumb. "I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to make it work. You're Callie Jacob, I'm sure you can figure it out. And I'll be with you, every step of the way."

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