Chapter 2

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And for the second morning in a row, she woke up in his arms.

She couldn't have felt more perfect—nestled in Brandon's embrace, with his calloused fingers working out some kind of melody against her back. She nuzzled further against him, thankful for moments like these where they just got to be Brandon and Callie.

"Morning, sleepy head," Brandon said, his slight haven't-gotten-to-shave-yet stubble tickling the side of her face.

"Good morning, handsome," Callie reciprocated, yawning as she stretched her arms exaggeratedly.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderfully, with you in my arms the whole night."It was cheesy, like really cheesy, but sweet enough to make Callie melt.

"Hate to say it, B, but I should probably go back to my room before everyone else wakes up."

She started to get up, but to no avail, because Brandon trapped her within his arms, pulling her back to him. "Brandon, let me go!" He shook his head, and she mock-glared at him. "Last night you told me to never let you go, and I vowed to keep such promise." She stuck her tongue out at him. "Touche, Foster. Touche."

She allowed herself to snuggle with him for a few more minutes before she repeated again, "I should really go back to my room."

"What's the point?" Brandon questioned, "Honestly. Why not savor the moment while we can? We're going to tell them about us today anyway, right? Why does it matter if we get caught?"

And just like that, it's like Callie had fallen from her Cloud Nine. In her state of euphoric bliss, she had almost forgotten about the conversation the two of them had to have with the moms that day, and the inevitable chaos that would follow shortly after.

"You have a point there, Brandon, but I would still rather not get caught before they know. I want to be the one to tell them, because it should soften the blow at least a little, I think."

"Ok, fine." Brandon eventually obliged, releasing Callie from his hold, but not before pecking her lips softly. "And one for the road," he muttered, giving her another chaste kiss. "Maybe two," she added, stealing another before she finally got up.

"Love you."

"Love you more," he called to her just as she was opening the door.

She scanned the hallway to make sure the coast was clear before slipping out of Brandon's bedroom. Not more than three seconds later, she was met by a suspicious-looking Mariana emerging from their own shared room.

"Good morning." Callie said, perhaps a bit too cheerfully, trying not to arouse Mariana's suspicion.

"Where were you this morning? You weren't in our room when I woke up."

"Um, I went downstairs, for a glass of water and some fresh air." Smooth, Callie.

"And now?"


"Why'd you come back up?"

"I had to go to the bathroom. Is that allowed?" There's a bathroom downstairs.

"Okay." Mariana said, clearly not convinced.

"What is this, anyway, 20 questions?"

"No, I was just wondering. You're not usually up this early, that's all."

Mariana went into the bathroom to brush her teeth, deciding to let the subject go for now, but not fully done with her investigation. She really wanted Callie to be her sister, and any activity that could possibly prohibit that, especially this close to the adoption worried her. As much as she would like to trust Callie, she felt that she had been hiding something, especially after her and Brandon's weird demeanor the previous morning as they had all left the cabin.

Callie, shaking off the weird encounter, went downstairs into the kitchen, and Brandon followed soon after. She poured a cup of coffee for herself, and then handed one to him as the two of them sat down at the island table in the center of the room.

"So what's the plan? What are we going to tell them?" Brandon asked her, taking a sip of the hot liquid from his mug.

"The truth."

"How much truth are we talking?"

"It's going to have to be everything. Breaking the restraining order, you coming to see me at Girls United, how in love we are..." Callie reached her hand across the table to interlock her fingers with his, briefly, and he smiled softly.

"And are we going to tell them, about, you know..." he gave her a knowing glance and swallowed nervously.

As if on cue, Stef and Lena joined them in the kitchen, and Brandon and Callie separated themselves immediately. Stef cleared her throat. "Who's telling who about what?" She looked concerned.

Callie glanced over at Brandon, and he subtly nodded, as if to say 'it's all going to be okay.'

Callie took a deep breath, looking up to meet the eyes of Stef and Lena. "I uh, need to talk to you, actually. We need to talk to you."

"We?" Lena inquired.

"Brandon and I. In private."

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