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"You've been sitting here for hours, what are you writing"? I raised the notebook, handing it to Mel.

"So I took your advice, but she says that I have to write out a love and hate list about Chris". She sat the notebook back in front of me, "She got you on some Why Did I Get Married type shit, I think it'll work though".

I nodded my head, "I never realized how much I actually loved about him, but can find nothing that I truly hate". She's shrugged her shoulders, "I guess you really are in love then Rob, just remember what I told you".

"I do, I think about everyday". I looked at her outfit, seeing she was dressed up. "Where are you heading to"?

"No where until nine, but I'm just trying on clothes to go dinner with my man". I stood up from the couch, stretching my body. "When am I gonna meet Cameron, he's been taking all of your time lately".

She went into the kitchen, walking towards the refrigerator. "Since he's friends with Chris, maybe we can go to dinner once you and him are back on good terms".

I laughed sarcastically, "It's funny how he's friends with Chris".

She nodded her head, "Cameron says Chris has done all of the paint designing for their shops. They've been friends for years, if you must know".

"That's great, just find it a coincidence". She nodded her head, "Have you talked to Chris.. I somewhat feel like I'm the reason you two are at it right now".

I waved my finger, "You did what any best friend would do. I'm thankful that you were even there, he probably wouldn't have told me".

"I think there's something we need to do, I think it's time". I bit my bottom lip, figuring out what she was gonna say next.

"And what is that"? She looked at me smiling, "I'm ready to go home, I miss it. I've been talking to Cameron about it a lot, and he thinks we should go".

"You and him"? She gave me a serious face, folding her arms across her chest. "Me and you, it's time Robyn. What are we waiting on, we have the money now".

I started walking towards my room. I didn't want to talk about this, or agree to this trip. I heard Mel's footsteps behind me, "What the hell are you scared of Robyn, we're grown now. I want to go, but I need you there with me".

I turned around with tears in my eyes, "No one wants to prove to their family that they were right. I'm a fucking failure Mel, they're going to judge me".

"Robyn you're not a fucking failure, I'm not a fucking failure, and we're not failures. We're fucking beautiful women, and we've made it out of Barbados. You don't have to worry about them judging you, who the fuck are they"?

I wiped the tears from my face, "Mel there's too many memories in Barbados, I don't know...".

She put her hands up in defense, "I'll be booking my flight very soon, I hope you decide to go. You can't keep running away from everything that hurts you". A few minutes later, I heard the door close.

I went into my room, crying into my pillow. I knew she was right, but Barbados isn't right for me. Theres so much to relive there, and I'm honestly not ready for it.


I roamed the streets looking for him. I knew he always worked on buildings this way at this time of the week, just didn't know which one. He was the only one that could help me, even if they were going through things at the moment.

As I walked past a old red building, I saw an older white man walking out with user cans on paint. I put a pep in my step and ran towards him, "Excuse Me"! He turned around after throwing the cans of paint away, "Yeah"?

"Do you know if a guy is in there painting, he goes by the name of Chris". I crossed my fingers hoping that he was here, he had to be. "Tall, light skinned, and tattoos"?

I nodded my head, he'd described Chris perfectly. He shook his head, "He stopped working with me a few days ago, lost one of my best painters".
I lost hope quickly, "Thank you". I walked the opposite way, getting ready to head back home.

I really wanted to talk to him, I knew he could possibly change Robyn's mind. Even if they weren't on the best terms, Robyn loved that man.

She was my best friend, I knew her like the back of my hand. She didn't accept bullshit and gave up when things got bad, but she's fighting for him. I knew for sure this was love, I saw it in her eyes whenever he came around.

I was just about to head home, but I happened to see a car that looked identical to Michael's. I decided to see if it was him, maybe he'd know where he was.

As I got closer to the car, I saw that it was him. "Michael". He turned around, looking at me. His eyebrows furrowed, "Mel, what you doing over this way"?

I sighed, "I'm looking for your friend, please tell me you know where he is". He motioned his hands towards a building that was behind us, "He's in here painting, why you looking for him"?

I sighed for the second time, "It's a long story, can you just tell him I really need to talk to him"? He shrugged his shoulders, "You good, you can come in. He forgave your snitching ass". I hit him in the arm, playfully.

We walked into a empty building, nothing but white walls. I looked to right and spotted Chris painting. He looked like he was almost finished, but Michael called his name. "Chris"! He turned away from the wall, looking towards me and Michael.

He jumped down from the pedestal he was on, and began walking towards us. "I'll let you two talk". Michael walked away, leaving me and Chris standing there.

I dug my hands into the pockets of my jacket, looking at him. "Why you here"? I bit my bottom lip, "I hope you're not mad at me".

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm over it, that's your best friend. I figured you would tell her, but why you here"? I gave him a slight smile, "Well, I need your help".

"Help with what"? I shrugged my shoulders, "You know that your girl is very stubborn". He nodded his hand, "Tell me about it".

"Well I'm trying to go back home to Barbados, but she's refusing to go. I really need to visit home, we've been gone for years". He nodded his head, "I know that's a touching subject for her, what you need my help with"?

"I need you to make her go, maybe you can come to. We can show you how we do things on the island, I really need you to do this". He threw his hands up in defense, "I'm the last person she wants to talk to right now. She told me don't hit her up until the results came in".

"You never listen to her, why you doing it now"? He put his hand over his heart, "That hurt, but this time she was serious. I've pushed her to her breaking point, so I'm listening this time".

I nodded my head, "Please just think about it and let me know". I started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm. "Is she alright, has she been talking about me"?

"Let's just say.. she loves you".

With that, I walked away..


I know it's short, but I'm tired.

[Complete] Robyn. : Chris Brown & Rihanna (EDITING: Read at you own risk!)Where stories live. Discover now