Feelings For You... ~Zero Kiryu Request~

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Alex Fujiyama

Zero Kiryu

{Not my actual best but...Oh! And sorry, cuz the original got erased! Gah! It was so adorable and sexy!!!!}

I was standing outside of Zero's room, feeling nervous of how I should give him the letter. This letter was really important. It was a love letter. I have tried and tried to confess to Zero but a curtain girl seems to get on my way. That girl would be Yuki...Yuki Cross. I was extremely jealous of how close they really were. Every time I saw them together, my head boils, and steams up. I just...I just need alone time with him for once. I am a really good friend with Kaname, Ruka and all of them. And I am extremely close with Zero. But I wasn't as close to him than Yuki.
"Alex what are you doing?" I heard someone say.
"Who said that?!"
"Just come in my room, Alex."
I noticed it was Zero's voice and I came inside his room. He was lying down staring at the ceiling.

"Zero, can I talk to you?"
"What do you need to talk about?"
"Um...uh...well...I needed to talk to you-"
I was cut off by someone. I heard the door open and I turned around. And it was...Yuki.
"Oh am I interrupting something?" She said.

When Zero heard her voice he shot right up. He looked surprised to see her. I had a mad look on my face and turned away from Yuki.
"Yuki what are you doing here?" Zero said.
"I needed to see if you were alright, I heard from Kaname that you were hurt."
"Don't worry I'm ok. Now Alex what did you want to talk about?"
"Nothing just never mind, I'll leave you two alone."

I left the room with a big disappointed face. I was completely mad at Yuki. I know it's not her fault for just barging in like that, but when am I able to spend time with him alone? I just want to be alone and tell him my true feelings. But I can't with Yuki around. I, I just, I just want to be with him just at least for a few minutes. Because when ever me and Zero are alone, 5 seconds later Yuki comes around. I hope I get a chance with him tonight. Nobody but just me and him. I walked through the hallways heading towards my room. I saw Ruka walking and she noticed me.

"Alex did you give him the letter! Does he know about your feelings...huh? Wait! Alex what's wrong?"
Ruka came up to me and walked by my side.
"Hey did you tell him?"
"NO! I was about to but Yuki just came in."
"Oh it's ok, you'll get a chance. Try tonight."
"Ok I will. Well I have to get going."
"Where are you going?"
"To my room. Why?"
"Nothing, just wondering....well bye Alex!"

She waved goodbye and left, I finally arrived to my room and went inside. I went over to my bed and dropped down. I took a big sigh thinking about Zero. It was getting really dark and I started to change into my regular clothes. I put on my dark blue short skirt, my black tank top, with matching black flats. I sat down on my desk thinking if I should first tell him how I feel, and then give the letter. Or should I just give him the letter first then confess. I opened up the letter and see if their was errors. I then started reading. I was starting to get a feeling that it wasn't right. The letter was missing something but I just couldn't put my finger on it. My mind was getter frustrated and I ripped of the paper. Maybe I should just tell him by my heart, not by words. I checked the time and it was now 7:12 p.m. I slapped my face, taking of the nerves, and went out my room. Zero's room was not that far away, only 4 doors away. I stopped and faced the door. I guess he was sleeping since I couldn't here anything. I touched the door knob to see if it was unlocked. I know I should knock but it would like take too long. You know, him saying "who is it", then" come in". I just hoped it was unlocked. I turned the doorknob and it was unlocked. My mind was filled with happiness. I opened the door and saw something. I gasped and stood frozen. I saw Zero almost kissing Yuki. His hands were in each sides of Yuki's face. Their head was close together, and his lips were only 2 inches away from hers. He then stopped and turned away. Tears were forming down my eyes. Then I was about to run away but then they noticed me.

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