Fangirling 101

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Addy's POV

I arrived at Ades party and looked around. A couple on his porch is using way too much tongue and I could feel my super crawling back up from my stomach. I swallowed it back down and walked up the steps and pushed open the door. Well, I tried to.

His door was heavier than normal and I could only push it out enough to poke my head through. A boy was passed out leaning against the door and I pushed it harder enough for my body to get through.

The boy was wearing his cup as a hat and he had no pants on. Of course Ade's party was getting out of hand, it always does. Speaking of Ade he was in the middle of a conga line and spotted me. "Addy!" He squealed and ran to me almost tripping over his own two feet. My drunk friend gave me a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek and threw his arms around me.

"I missed you so much." His hug was loose and he decided to put all his body weight onto me. "Ade." He hiccuped and grabbed both of my shoulders to push himself back and look me in the eyes.

"You are beautiful." I laughed loudly at him and patted his head. "Thanks but I think you need to sit down." I led him back carefully to the living room and had him sit on the couch. "Don't move. I'm gonna look for Xian and you stay right here okay?"
He starred at me in a drunken haze and I hope he understood what I had said.

I walked around Ades house looking for my curly haired friend. He's the tallest one at the party so it shouldn't he too hard to find him. The stairs were littered with drunken teenagers either asleep or making out. Even two girls were getting it on.

I somehow managed to walk up the stairs and I was careful not to step on anyone. Once I reached the top I walked down the hall and opened a door.

Two boys were making out in Ades room until I realized who one of the guys were. "Xian?" He quickly pulled away from this smaller boy with piercing blue eyes. "Addy, hi." Xian was straddling the smaller boys waist and both of them were staring at me like they were deer's caught in headlights. He slowly got off the brunette and made my way towards me. "Let's talk outside," he offered softly.

I still wasn't quite sure what was going on but he opened the door behind me and led us both in the hall. "Who is that?" I caught another quick glimpse of him before Xian closed the door. "And I hope you know that's Ades room and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate a cheap hookup happening on his spider man sheets."

Xian looked guilty and small like I had caught a little kid trying to steal cookies out of a cookie jar. "I'm sorry I know you're still raw from yours and Caits breakup. You shouldn't have seen that." He gave me a tight hug and I slowly returned the favour. "Xian I'm fine. Look I'll be downstairs watching Ade. He needs supervision. Come down when you're done with whoever and use protection." I kissed his cheek and turned around.

He grabbed my wrist softly and turned me back around to face him. "Okay. But don't make any dumb decisions." I nodded sternly and he let me go.

I returned back to the couch and surprisingly Ade hadn't moved. I sat beside me and he looked at me. "Adeline what's wrong?" I looked at him and he sighed. "You're crying." I touched my cheek and sure enough I was. I quickly wiped away my tears and made sure my makeup wasn't smudged by using the black screen of my phone as a mirror. My reflection disappeared when my phone lit up with a twitter notification. "@ArianaGrande sent you a direct message." I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I reading this right? Had she actually left me a twitter message or was this one of those fake celebrity accounts. If it was I wouldn't have gotten a push notification. I always get notifications of Ari's tweets.

Oh.My.God. I jumped off of the couch and screamed. My heart was thumping in my chest as I danced around while Ade stared at me with concern. But I didn't care. My baby, my queen had sent me a message. She noticed me.

"Adeline what's wrong?" I handed him my phone as broken sobs and giggles escaped my lips and he checked my screen. "Oh my god." I screamed again and jumped up and down while every emotion went through me. "Ariana Grande left me a twitter message!" Ade screamed with me and soon enough we were both fangirling. "What does it say??!" I stopped jumping and my heart sank.

"I don't know yet. I'm too scared to read it." He frowned. "Why?" I chewed on my bottom lip roughly. "What if it's hate? What if it's a scam. I can't read it." I sat back down on the couch and Ade sighed. "Fine then. I will."

He cleared his throat and spoke is a deep voice as he read the message. "Dear Adeline. I saw your recent video and might I say, I agree with everything you've said. I have subscribed and I may or may not stalked your YouTube account. You seem very sweet and kind and we should so head out for Starbucks sometime since I know how much you love Grandes ;) I hope you have a wonderful day and you keep smiling since it's so gorgeous. PS: You're really cute."

I hadn't realized how wide my smile until my cheeks started to hurt. Ade handed me back my phone as I slowly typed in a reply: Omg thank you so much. You have no idea how happy this made me. I do agree that we should meet up when you're not so busy. I would love to meet you. Hopefully this works out and I get my dream come true. PS: You're way cuter. xoxo Addy.

Things were finally looking up.

//AN// Hey babes! Hope you enjoyed that chapter just as much as I enjoyed typing it and thank you so much for the story votes they mean a lot. Maybe if you could give me some feedback that would be great and if you continue reading maybe you'll see Ariana's and Adeline's romance flourish ;) Until next chapter my cuties!!

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