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Adeline's POV

I left the greenhouse feeling nervous and sad at the same time. I can't believe I almost kissed her. At least I think I almost did. I know I was pushing it a lot but there was an energy between us and the moment felt right. I guess I should wait to kiss her. We did just meet a few days ago.

I sighed loudly and flopped myself onto the couch not knowing what else to do. I heard footsteps behind me so I tried to sit up and see who it was and explain to them why I had my face stuffed in Ari's throw pillows. That is until I felt someone sit on me.

"Um excuse me can you please get off of me whoever you are?" I tried to turn my head to look but that would require to turn my body as well but I physically couldn't do that. "Well I came down here to sit on the couch and I find you laying on the spot I normally sit on so since you're in my way I decided to just sit on you." He sounded very perky and quite happy with his explanation.

"Well could I at least get a name of who's butt is touching my back? I think we should introduce ourselves before we get a little personal." I heard him laugh in response and I already knew that joking around with him is going to be easy.

"I'm Frankie Ariana's older brother." Oh.My.God. Frankie Grande was sitting on me. I had to squeal on the inside and repress myself from fangirling and demanding a hug. "Nice to meet you! I'm Adeline Ariana's #1 fan." He laughed again and so did I. "Oh I know you are. She might be your #1 fan too." What did he mean by that? I turned my head so my left cheek was pressing against the couch cushion when I saw Ari and Ricki walk in the living room looking ready for a meet and greet.

She was wearing a pair of high waisted jeans and a cute black bandeau with black heels. "You look so cute." I told her with Frankie still sitting on me. "Oh my gosh Frankie get off you'll squish her!" She laughed as she pulled her brother off of me and helped me up.

"Thank you I was losing oxygen." She smiled softly and fixed my hair. "Do you wanna borrow some clothes for the meet and greet?" I frowned slightly. "I'm joining you?" She winked and that set my stomach into a butterfly infested frenzy. "Of course you said you would make surprise appearances at my concerts right?" She was talking about my video and I couldn't believe she remembered that part. "I guess it's up to you." She rolled her eyes at me and grabbed hand leading us upstairs.

When we walked in her room I had to stop myself from bursting into tears at how gorgeous it was. There was a lot of white and light pink but it was so cute. She led us to her huge walk in closet and looked at me. She flipped through her many selections of jeans and handed me a size 2. For my top it was a lilac crop top and shoes were my white oxer lace flats making me shorter than her.

She then led me to her vanity and we quickly curled my hair and she added some blush and a cat eye to herself and I. "Beautiful before and beautiful now. " I blushed profusely and thanked she couldn't see because of the blush on top.

We made our way back downstairs and Frankie gasped loudly. "Pose girls pose!" We giggled plenty and her laugh was the cutest thing. I blew a kiss to the camera while Ari looked surprised. We kept on doing fun poses while Frankie pretended to be the paparazzi and took more pictures of us.

Ari then wrapped her arm around my waist, pulled me close and planted a kiss to my cheek while I grinned widely and Frankie awed at us. "Do another one like that!" I blushed and this time I wraped both my arms around her and we pressed our cheeks together and smiled at Frankie. He squealed to himself and we slowly pulled away from our hug.

"Time for the meet and greet!" Riki's voice echoed throughout the house as he shouted from the front door. It wasn't a nice kind of shout it was more like "hurry up and let's go" which was uncalled for but I didn't care.

Ari Frankie and I all headed to the cars and I was so nervous to see the fans and watch Ari live again. But this time I was back stage which was insane. I would honestly love to do her job but I have stage fright and I can't sing so no thanks.

The rest of the car ride was mostly Frankie entertaining Ari and I with funny jokes and bad puns but I don't think I've ever laughed so hard before. No wonder Ari was always laughing in her snapchats.

We got to the venue in a good amount of time and that same feeling of awe returned like when I first saw her house. The stadium was huge from the outside and I wonder what it looked like on the inside. The cars parked in the back since there were plenty of fans camped out in the front probably here early or for the meet and greet.

We got out and made our way inside into this cute little photo booth section. The walls were lavender like I always see in the update pictures on instagram and there was a camera set up in the front.

Several cat ears layed out on a table in front of me and I was staring at this golden metalic one with fake diamond studs. I had realized that they were all Ari's cat ears. She picked up a simple black pair and put them on. She then saw me looking at the ears and back at her. "You know if you want to wear a pair you can."
"Wait really?" I stared at her dumbfounded and she nodded vigorously. "Go for it."

I picked up the pair that I had been ogling not too long ago, fixed my hair and in came the first fan.

\\AN\\ Hello again. I thought this chapter was really cute and it gave more of a look into Addy's brain which is pretty cool. I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know its another filler but there will be plenty of fillers until we get to the fun stuff! xoxo

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