This isn't stalking. It's detective work

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Ariana's POV

I was scrolling through her Twitter feed and they were mostly gifs of me, updates on one direction, pretty little liars fan art and the occasional YouTube video.

"Ariana you've been stalking her for an hour." I rolled my eyes at Frankie and favourited a tweet about how she loved my natural curls. "I am not stalking her. I just happen to be doing extreme detective work." Ophelia whined and nudged my foot with her nose. "Frankie Ophelia needs a walk."
"No Ari she wants a walk with you." I groaned and set my laptop aside. Ophelia barked loudly and wagged her tail as I was getting up but a notification caught my eye. A message notification. "She replied!" I squealed and placed the laptop back on my lap. Frankie leaned closer to me and laughed. "She's so cute." I nodded in agreement as I read the message: Omg thank you so much. You have no idea how happy this made me. I do agree that we should meet up when you're not so busy. I would love to meet you. Hopefully this works out and I get my dream come true. PS: You're way cuter. xoxo Addy.

I sighed happily and leaned my head back on the couch, a small smile on my lips. "What's this?" I jumped in surprise and turned around to see Ricki staring at my computer screen. "Jeez you scared me." I frowned and brought the screen down so he couldn't see it anymore. "And none of your business. Don't you have a dance to practice for the show tonight?" I shut the laptop completely and set it on the coffee table. "That's not all I'm good for, Ari." I shrugged and picked up Ophelia's leash, wanting an excuse so I could make a quick departure from this tension. "I just feel like you could do it again."

I clipped the leash onto Ophelia's collar and I walked to the front door, an excited dog at my side. "Whatever." He stomped away like a little kid and slammed the door shut.

Ophelia whimpered and I gave her a pat on the head before we headed out. I'm very happy that I'm now in Cali for the American leg of the tour since I've missed home a lot.

As I walked Ophelia down the sidewalk, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I was mentioned in a tweet along with Adeline by a fan.

@vanillalattesss: omg if @arianagrande and @addyxoxo_ date I will be so happy

The comments underneath were mostly positive but there was one that caught my eye.

@ariglove: is ariana even gay?

I clicked on that tweet and they were all saying that I was in a happy relationship with Ricki. I snorted and set my phone back in my pocket.

The truth is that I was gay. I was into girls but I had to date Ricki for money. For publicity. I knew he hated me and thought that I was obnoxious, but once cameras are watching our every move, he suddenly loves me and I hate it so much. I wish I could come out but my "manager" thinks it'll ruin the tour and my reputation but I want to be myself.

I focused on walking Ophelia and a few paps were taking pictures but they were keeping their distance which was fine. It was nice to have some time alone for once instead of being crowded by men who want to know what I had for breakfast.

I turned back around and made my way home safely. I let myself and Ophelia back in and unclipped her. She trotted to her dog bed and laid down, falling asleep.

Frankie was no longer in the living room and Ricki's shoes were gone. Guess he left when I was out. I sat back down on the couch and turned the laptop back on. I found Adeline's twitter account and she had posted a tweet that was very recent.

@addyxoxo_: when you show up at a party and you look better than your ex

I frowned. Why was she at a day party and why was her ex there? She was only following 20 people. One of them had to be her ex. I knew what her ex's name was I just had to find her account. And I did.

I clicked on her profile and she had also tweeted not too long ago but it wasn't about Adeline or the party. She had two pictures of her and Addy from three months ago.

She was pretty but Adeline was prettier. I wonder why they broke up. I could ask her when we meet up. I still have to schedule it with her. I went back to our conversation and composed another message: Hey cutie! Thanks so much for replying, it was really cute. I'll be in LA for 2 weeks and I'm not busy tomorrow. How does Starbucks sound? Let me know when you get this. Ariana xoxo

I hit send and did some research on her the rest of the night.

//AN// I know I know a really bad filler chapter I'm soooo sorry. But don't worry! Things between them will pickup soon and have much in stored for the girls. Can't wait for you to read it! xoxo

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