I kissed a girl (part 1)

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Arianas POV

My heart felt heavy in my chest, I struggled to breathe, my vision was very blurry and I felt betrayed. A soft nock came to my bedroom door and I composed myself as much as possible. "Come in." I wiped my eyes with a tissue and Frankie poked his head inside my room. "Ari are you okay?"

I tried to stop myself but I broke down again. He instantly rushed into my room, Strauss following him and jumping up onto the bed as Frankie sat down. He pulled me close as I sobbed into his chest. "How could she? How could she do this to me? I was going to ask her out and kiss her but there she goes cheating on me." I blubbered to my older brother. "Ari, she didn't cheat on you you're not a couple." I sobbed some more.

Strauss nudged my hand as I pulled away from the hug and I smiled and petted his head. "See? Even Strauss wants you to cheer up." I smiled a bit and Frankie dried my tears. "Better?" I nodded and pecked his cheek. "Thank you."

A nock came to the door and the dogs started to bark. "I'll go see who it is. We're the only ones home right now by the way." He got off my bed but Strauss stayed behind to keep me company.

The bachelor was playing on the television but I wasn't paying attention. I was more focused on how I was going to make Adeline my girlfriend. That is until I heard her voice echo through my house.

"Frankie please I really need to talk to her!" I turned my head towards the door. "Now isn't really a good time. I think you should go." I sat up and bit my lip. "Ari please I know you're home. Can we talk?" Strauss got off of my bed and walked downstairs.

"Adeline leave please." I got out of bed and made myself visual. "Ari." I looked at her and my heart skipped a beat. "Say whatever you have to say and then you leave." She nodded but I could see the pained expression on her face when I told her she had to go.
"I know you saw what Cait and I did and I'm sorry that you had." I gripped the railing as I slowly walked down the stairs and stood near the bottom as I kept my eyes looked on hers. "Is that it?" She shook her head.

She rubbed her arm before speaking up. "Cait proposed to me." My heart shattered and I sat down so I wouldn't fall over. Frankie was immediately beside me. That gave Adeline the chance to walk in a bit more. "I-I said no. I wouldn't do that to you." I looked at her and I hadn't noticed how close she was.

"You think this changes everything? That I'm going to throw myself into your arms because you said no when your girlfriend asked you to marry her? You hurt me Adeline and I hope you know that." I stood up but my body felt shaky.

"I know this doesn't change anything and I don't expect you to come running to me. I didn't know that Cait was going to ask me to marry her and I know I hurt you and I feel bad. Do you want to know why I said no to when Cait asked me to marry her?" I looked at her and it was like we were the only two in the room. "Why did you?"

She took a deep breath. "I said no because I like you Ariana. I like you so much it's driving me crazy you're all I think about all the time you're always on my mind. Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat and it feels like theirs a zoo in my stomach and I get so happy when I see your smile because it's the prettiest smile in the entire world and it lights up your entire face and your eyes crinkle, your beautiful brown eyes that I know I could get lost in. You're so funny and I love your laugh especially when you just let go and you're so cute I could kiss you all day an-" So I did. I kissed her.

//AN// FIANLLYYYYYY IVE BEEN WAITING SO MUCH FOR THIS MOMENT. omg I've been really mia I'm so sorry but I'm back and I will update again hopefully this month sometime next week but I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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