We're going to be alright

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Adelines POV

Ariana stepped off of the stage after she finished one of her shows in Thailand. I pulled her into a tight squeeze and peepered her face in kisses. "You did so well moonlight." I told her spinning her around in a hug. She giggled and looked at me. "Thank sunshine. We're still going out just the two of us right?" I tilted my head. "Hm I decided to change my mind instead but there is a surprise for you in your room come on let's go." She smiled and nodded.

I let her change first and as I waited I chilled with all her dancers. Bri, Scott and I had a quick little dance break as they taught me the choreography to be alright.

Ariana came back and started to laugh and film us but I was nailing it so I wasn't sure what was so funny. I could see her giggling out of the corner of my eye and smiled big as I performed for her. When I was done I got a round of applause from everyone around me. I laughed and curtsied.

I walked over to Ari and grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. She and I had our own car to drive us back to the hotel that we were staying at. The hole ride there we cuddled and watched videos from the night. I pin pointed my favourite parts and she kept kissing my cheek every time I told her how beautiful she looked.

We arrived to our hotel and got out of the car and something shifted between us. In a good way. We've been dating for 3 months but since we knew each before that for so long it feels like we've been together longer and throughout the whole car ride she kept on giving me this look that said so much.

When we reached our room and closed the door she started to kiss me heavily. Coats were tossed aside and shoes were kicked off. She tugged at my shirt and I tugged at hers. I was backed up into the bed and pushed down softly. I looked up at her as she crawled on top of me and kissed my neck. I gasped and bit my lip as I could feel her leaving several hickeys.

I pulled her shirt over her head and traced her stomach. She took off mine and did the same. "Are you sure? You don't think this is too soon?" I asked her looking deeply into her brown eyes. She nodded vigorously and cupped my face and kissed me tenderly this time. She pulled away slowly and smiled. "I know I want this. I want you. All of you." I smiled in return. 

She grabbed the sheets and pulled them over the two of us to keep warm. The rest of the night was filled with soft giggles and heated kisses.

~The next morning~

The sound of busy streets and our alarm clock woke me up. Ari was still beside me cuddled into my side. I looked over at her and smiled brushing some of her hair off her face. Her mouth twitched as she smiled softly and opened her eyes. "Good morning sunshine."
 "Good morning moonlight." We giggled and she pecked me on my nose. "Last night was amazing." I told her. She nodded and I realized we were both still naked. She cuddled into me closer and I kissed her softly. She returned the favour by cupping my cheek and rolled on top of me.

Suddenly a loud knock sounded on our door and she jumped off of me. "Just a minute!" She exclaimed and tossed on an oversized sweater but no underwear. I sat up but made sure the sheets were covering my chest. She opened the door and there was Brian smiling big. "Just a heads up that we have to leave in about an hour so pack up your clothes and girlfriend and let's go!" We laughed together and she nodded.
 "We'll be ready on time don't worry Bri. See you down there."

She softly closed the door and turned towards me. "Shower?" She asked and I nodded getting out of bed. I stretched my arms over my head and noticed I had nothing on. Ariana walked over and wrapped her arms around me and squeezed my butt. I laughed and kissed her nose. We took a shower together to save water and money and to have a little bit more quiet time together. We got ready and did our hair and makeup.  She's been getting much better at doing her own hair and makeup which made our lives easier since she didn't need Daniel to come help out.

I got dressed into some leggings and one of her sweaters from her merch. It was hers as well and oversized of course. I tossed my hair up in a messy bun since we were flying to her next concert destination. Being on the road with her was so much fun. I get to be with her every day and night and everyone is so supportive.

I haven't heard from Cait or Ricky in months this was the best feeling ever but it also seemed too good to be true. Cait has never liked it when I said no and when I rejected her after she proposed to me I'm surprised she didn't come back and try even harder. It was weird and I felt sort of uneasy. I know she's still alive, I see her tweeting all the time.

I frowned and focused my attention on our unmade hotel bed. "Babe? Adeline?" Aris voice echoed in my mind and I snapped out of my trance. "Hm?" I slowly looked away from the bed and met her gaze. "Hey hey what's wrong?" She looked extremely concerned and sat us down. I sighed and held her hand. "I'm scared Ari."

 "Of what sunshine?" She asked and cupped my face so I would look at her. "I'm scared of us being separated or someone demanding that we no longer see each other because it's bad for your image or or.." I started to tear up thinking of all the bad things that could happen to us. She pulled me close and wiped away my tears. "Sh shh. I won't let anyone do that to us. You are what's important to me. You make me happy. My music, my fans, friends and family do play a big part in my life but you're just as important. You make me laugh when I'm sad and comfort me when I need it the most. You get along with my family and friends, you're a part of us now. I love you Adeline."

We had never said those words to each other yet but we both knew that we felt the same. I smiled widely and kissed her. I held her tight in my arms and pulled away slowly. "And I love you Ariana." She smiled back and kissed me again.
 "Okay. We have to go or we'll miss the flight." I nodded and stood up. We each grabbed our bag and left the room. We made it down to the lobby and everyone was there waiting for us. I said hi to Brian, Scott, her mom, Doug and the rest of the dancers and Ari was right. They accepted me as one of their own and I know that Ariana and I, we're gonna be alright and I'm excited for the adventures that's going to come with this life.

//AN// ahhh a happy ending to the first book! I'm so so happy with how I ended things i had another ending in mind but I decided to go with with a sweeter one and save the drama for the next book. Thank you to all who have stuck around for ariana and Adelines story! I hope you all enjoyed the first book and I apologize for all the spelling mistakes. The first chapter of book 2 is already in the works and I am starting college soon but hopefully book 2 should be posted before Halloween. Until next time my babes!!

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