Daleks in Manhattan

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*sigh* It has been a long week . . . as some as you know, I sort of, ah . . . blew up on my profile the other day. I apologize, and I don't. I'm sorry I blew up, but I meant what I said. My education comes before Wattpad, and I think several students here can say the same thing. It's my junior year of high school, and I've got college searches going on, and I think I just dug my grave in Spanish the other day.

So . . . bear with me, please, and I will get around to updating. It just might not be as fast as we all would like it.

On a happier note . . . the Alchemist's back home again in the States! Here's "Daleks in Manhattan!"


The Alchemist was still giggling as she exited the TARDIS, reveling in how easy it was to make the Doctor do what she wanted. He was planning on taking Martha back to her time, when the Alchemist suggested another take on what he said - one trip to the past, one trip to the future, and one trip much closer to her time. After much debate, and several threats about not kissing the Doctor unless he agreed, she finally made him agree and take Martha on one more trip.

"Where are we?" Martha asked as she looked around.

"Ah, smell that Atlantic breeze," the Doctor inhaled. "Nice and cold. Lovely."

"Hey, Martha," the Alchemist nudged her, pointing upwards. "Have you met our friend?"

Martha gawked when she saw the towering figure above them. "Is that?" she gasped, and the Alchemist laughed, nodding. "Oh, my God, that's the Statue of Liberty!"

"Gateway to the New World," the Doctor nodded. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

"That's so brilliant!" Martha cheered as the Alchemist smirked knowingly at the Doctor. She had been the one to choose the destination, not the Doctor, and she'd been right about what Martha would want to see. The Doctor huffed, rolling his eyes, but smiled fondly. His Bonded was just that brilliant. "I've always wanted to go to New York! I mean, the real New York. Not the new new new new one."

"Well, there's the genuine article," the Doctor smiled. "So good, they named it twice."

"Fun fact, it was originally New Amsterdam," the Alchemist added. "It's a bit harder to say twice. It's no wonder it didn't catch on. Who would want to say New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam?"

"Not me," the Doctor smirked.

"I wonder what year it is," Martha tilted her head, looking up. "Because look. The Empire State Building's not even finished yet."

"Work in progress," the Doctor said as Martha went to find an abandoned newspaper. "Still got a couple floors to go, and if I know my history, that makes the date somewhere around - "

"November 1st, 1930," the Alchemist said promptly, only a second ahead of Martha.

Martha stared at her, stunned. "That's exactly it!"

"Time sense, still going strong," the Alchemist gloated, fist pumping.

"Eighty years ago," Martha shook her head, trying to get back on track. "It's funny, because you see all those old newsreels all in black and white like it's so far away, but here we are. It's real. It's now." The Alchemist took the newspaper, reading it, as Martha grinned. "Come on, then, you two. Where do you want to go first?"

"Easy," the Alchemist turned the newspaper around, flashing the front headline.

"Hooverville Mystery Deepens," Martha read. "What's Hooverville?"

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