Family of Blood

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This was . . . interesting to write. I definitely feel like it was not one of my best works . . . tell me how I did at the end, please!

Also, is it just me, or did the Family keep the exact same facial expressions for the entire episode? Just a random thought.

Anyway, here's "Family of Blood!"


"Make your decision, Mr. Smith," Jenny glared.

Latimer, hidden in the shadows, crouched down and slowly opened the gold fob watch. Tendrils of gold energy shimmered out and snaked along the floor, so thin no one noticed. He, however, could see the energy wrap around Alicia's feet, slowly working its way up her body.

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks," Baines grinned, not seeing Alicia slowly blink, looking around at her predicament as if confused, before realization dawned in her eyes, "the Time Lord will emerge."

"Uh," Alicia stammered, swallowing hard. "Can I . . . can I just say something?"

"Quiet, woman," Baines glared at her.

"Well, I was going to be nice," Alicia rolled her eyes. "But here's a good lesson . . . your father got the wrong arm." Mr. Clark frowned in confusion -

Alicia twisted her arm in a way that made Mr. Clark follow, making the man howl in pain. She turned and grabbed his upper arm, then flipped the man over her shoulder, sending him crashing into one of the tables. Joan screamed and scrambled back, along with the other party guests. Baines stepped forward, raising his gun, but Alicia snatched the sonic blaster from its place on the table, also grabbing one of the knives there. She turned and threw, Martha flinching and closing her eyes, seeing it head straight for her.

Jenny cried out in pain, releasing Martha, and Martha backed away, stunned, seeing the former maid nurse her bleeding hand.

"I thought it was simple," Alicia twirled the sonic blaster around her finger, nodding her head with its movements. "Every alien in the universe knows Creators are all right-handed, and you thought to leave that one alone? Sloppy," she tsked, turning around. "Very sloppy, Son."

"Alchemist," Baines hissed, eyes lighting up. "The last of the Creators."

"Hi!" she grinned, giving a wave. "Martha, take care of your friend, will you?" Martha did as she was told and grabbed Jenny, taking her gun and putting it to her head instead. "One move, she shoots," the Alchemist nodded at Martha.

"Oh, you are both full of fire," Baines remarked.

"And you can shut up," Martha snapped, raising the gun and firing into the air.

"Careful, Son of Mine," Mr. Clark grunted as he tried to get back to his feet. "This is all for you so that you can live forever."

"Shoot you down," Baines threatened the Alchemist, the two of them locked in a standoff.

"Oho, I would love to see you try," she narrowed her eyes.

"Would you really pull the trigger?" Baines looked at Martha. "Looks too scared."

"Scared and holding a gun's a good combination," Martha retorted. "Do you want to risk it?"

Baines snarled, but he lowered his gun, along with Mr. Clark and Lucy. "Good," the Alchemist nodded. "Now get everyone out."

"What?" Martha blinked, looking at her.

"You heard me," the Alchemist didn't look away from Baines. "Get everyone out."

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