Human Nature

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Ah, the story of Smorrow. :) I dunno, can one of my shipping experts come up with something better?

Oh, well. As it suggests, the story of John Smith and Alicia Morrow. :) Enjoy "Human Nature!"


John blinked his eyes open, slowly trying to remember what had been happening in his dream. There had been -

There was a knock on the door, and John sat up. "Come in!" he called.

Martha entered, carrying a breakfast tray, then quickly turned her back. "Pardon me, Mr. Smith, you're not dressed yet. I can come back later - "

"No, it's all right, it's all right," John put on a dressing gown, gesturing for her to continue. "Put it down. I was, er . . . sorry. Sometimes, I have these extraordinary dreams."

"What about, sir?" Martha asked as she opened the curtains.

"I dream I'm this adventurer," John answered. "This daredevil, a madman. The Doctor, I'm called. And last night, I dreamt that you were there, as my companion."

"A teacher and a housemaid, sir?" Martha laughed. "That's impossible."

"No, there was someone else," John frowned, trying to remember. "Hazy . . . possibly Miss Morrow?" He shook his head. "But I am a man from another world."

"Well, it can't be true, because there's no such thing," Martha shook her head as well.

"These things," John picked up the two fob watches on the mantle, then put them back. "Ah, it's funny how dreams slip away," he sighed. "But I do remember one thing: it all took place in the future. In the Year of Our Lord, 2007."

"I can prove that wrong for you, sir," Martha picked up a newspaper. "Here's the morning paper. It's Monday, November 10th, 1913, and you're completely human, sir. As human as they come."

"Mmm," John nodded. "That's me. Completely human."


"Morning, sir!" Martha smiled at John as he passed by later.

"Yes, hi," John nodded absently as he headed up the stairs.

"Head in the clouds, that one," Jenny observed as she and Martha returned to scrubbing the floor clean. "Don't know why you're so sweet on him."

"He's just kind to me, that's all," Martha shrugged. "Not everyone's that considerate, with me being . . . " She pointed to her face.

"A Londoner?" Jenny grinned.

"Exactly!" Martha laughed. "Good old London town!"

Her smile faded when two of the boys, Jeremy Baines and his friend Hutchinson, stopped. "Er, now, then, you two, you're not paid to have fun, are you?" Baines asked. "Put a little backbone into it!"

"Yes, sir," Jenny bowed her head. "Sorry, sir."

"You, there," Hutchinson pointed to Martha. "What's your name again?"

"Martha, sir," Martha looked up. "Martha Jones."

"Tell me, then, Jones," Hutchinson leered, unaware of the blonde woman approaching from the other end. "With hands like those, how can you tell when something's clean?"

Their laughter was cut short when an icy voice spoke from behind them. "Please, tell me the joke behind that, Mr. Hutchinson."

"Er . . . " Hutchinson's eyes widened as he turned to face Alicia, the librarian's arms folded, one eyebrow raised. "Miss - "

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