Not Alone

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Like I said the last chapter: THANK YOU FOR 100 READS!!!! I'm so happy!!! And thank you for reading this far to! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Celeste looked at the pack in terror as they dragged off Noi's lifeless body. The mightyena that was holding onto her smirked. "Your friend was no match to us. The stupid Pokemon shouldn't have tried. Now he won't be the only one who suffers. He agreed to a deal that we get you to..."

The Jirachi's eyes widened. She cowered in fear and thought to herself 'what will they do to me??'

The leader of the pack watched as a few of the mightyena dragged of the noivern and then he walked over to Celeste. "Why hello there. You must be dinner's friend," he said and smirked at her.

But then he looked at her and frowned,"ugh.... You wouldn't make more than a mouthful. But we don't have to eat you...."

Then he grinned even wider, bearing all of his teeth. "For what dinner did to my face," he said, gesturing to the slash on his eye,"I'll torture you for what he did."

Celeste just about feinted. She tried to scream but the mightyena muffled it with his huge paw. She tried to get away but the giant Pokemon only made his grip tighter. Finally, she gave up, knowing that it was no use.

"Good. You stopped squirming. Now...," he looked at the mightyena holding Celeste,"take her to the den."

The mightyena nodded and while holding Celeste by the scruff of her neck. Then, he ran off with her.

They ran many miles and in about an hour, the mightyena stopped near the opening of a large cave.

A dozen mightyena stood at the entrance. "Welcome home, Kom" they said in unison to the mightyena and looked at Celeste. Then one of them asked,"New prisoner?"

The mightyena holding Celeste nodded.

"Well then, have fun," they grinned evilly and made a pathway to the entrance.

The mightyena holding Celeste, Kom, walked through the path and into the cave and Celeste nearly feinted in fear from the sight.

There were dozens of small Pokemon, all in cages. Most of them seriously injured and some with the same look of fear and shock that Celeste had.

"W-what have you done to these Pokemon?" Celeste whispered.

"They're either prisoners or slaves," Kom smirked and said,"this is your new home. Learn to enjoy it." He threw her into one of the cages.

"W-what's going to happen to me?..." She whispered to a nearby emolga. "I've been here a long time... You'll either get tortured or become a slave," he said this like it didn't matter anymore.

"They'll never let you go... Nobody's ever escaped either," as he said this, Kom walked over to Celeste's cage and opened it.

"It's time," he grinned and took her out and held her with his tight grip as she shook in fear.

Kom took her to the center of the cave and tied her to a post in the middle. Then the mightyena she saw earlier, the leader, came out of the shadows, the scratch over his eye made him stand out.

"Great work, Kom. Now..." He looked at her with a smirk. "You'll pay for what your stupid friend did."

He circled her a few times, grinning evilly and was about to use sucker punch.

All of a sudden, a tall, dark figure with glowing red eyes stepped at the entrance of the cave. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" It bellowed and the whole pack of mightyena looked up.

The shady figure stepped forward, into the light.

That's the first moment that Celeste saw the most elegant, handsome Pokemon she'd ever seen.

Into the cave stepped a young absol.

The absol took a step forward and bellowed, "I SAID SCRAM!" Then the leader of the pack managed to speak and said, "Make me, pup."

The absol took this as an insult and said,"fine... I will." As he said this he walked over and used night slash on the leader, injuring him seriously.

The mightyena shrunk back in pain. "Fine... Take that weakling we didn't need her anyways."

The handsome Pokemon quickly cut Celeste free. "Come on... Let's get out of here..." He whispered and started to walk out, waiting for her.

"And I'm spike, by the way. Spike the absol."


There's the ending! :3 hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for the delay, by the way... But make sure and vote and comment if you have any suggestions. JIRACHI WISHES FOR IT!!!

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