The Closest of Friends

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Hey guys... Sorry about the delay again. I've just been busy with school. Hope I can get back on track! Anyways, enjoy!


Celeste couldn't contain her excitement. She was now a part of the tribe!!! She knew that it'd bring her and Spike a whole lot closer and that she's actually belong somewhere. Both of these things enthralled her.

After the afternoon of training, Papa Sol took them all back to the cave to announce that there was a new member of the tribe.

He introduced Celeste to everyone and explainer her power and skill. The absols all gave her a warm welcome and bowed. "Welcome, Celeste. New member of our tribe," they all said in unison.

After the welcoming ceremony, Celeste and Spike had trouble containing her excitement. They could hardly wait to get out of the cave.


Celeste's POV
I'm so excited! Now I'll get some actual quality time with Spike! His family and tribe were so welcoming and open to me. I think I'll love it here. But in the mean time, I'll focus on Spike and he and I will be best friends.


Spike's POV
It's been a while since I've been this happy, I'll admit. Who knew a little Pokemon like Celeste could be the reason for my happiness? Well I'm positive that we'll have a strong bond. Now, it's finally time for some fun!


Celeste and Spike ran out of the cave entrance together and out to the open air. It was a sunny, cloudless day. Spike figured he'd take Celeste to some of his favorite places that nobody knew about. "Follow me, Celeste!" He shouted and started running in one direction.

They started with the creek. "Nobody's ever been here from the tribe but me. It's one of my secret getaways when I just want to relax," Spike said, dipping his paw in the flowing water.

"Wow.. It's so peaceful here..." Celeste said, quietly and looked around. "Yea. Nothing like in the cave... Like I said before, when it gets too overwhelming there, I come here. It's just my own private creek!" He says and chuckles.

"Then why are you showing me?" Celeste said and tilted her head. At these words, spike did to. "Well... I feel that I can trust you, Celeste. You're different than anyone that I've ever met."

Celeste smiled at these words and laughed as she splashed Spike with the water from the stream. "Hey! No fair!" He pouted but then laughed and splashed her back, leading to a water war.

About an hour later after they both surrendered to each other, Spike thought of somewhere else to take Celeste. "I have a lot more to show you! Follow me!" He smiled and started running.

Throughout the day, Spike showed Celeste all of his favorite places, from little ponds to towering mountains. Celeste enjoyed every moment of it. She loved it when Spike's eyes lit up at every destination. It made her feel special, like she meant something to someone.

"Here we are. The final stop of the day," Spike said as he stood in front of a huge rock. Celeste looked confused. 'A rock?' She thought. 'What's so special about that?'

Spike smiled at her confusion, "Follow me. Now's the perfect time." It was dusk, the sun had gone down and the stars were out. Spike began to climb the rock.

Celeste flew close behind him, her curiosity growing. Then, Spike reached the top and sat down, looking up. Celeste reached the top and did the same.

She was amazed. Millions of stars, different sizes, filled the skies. Spike smiled,"This is my absolute favorite place. I figured you'd like it to. I'm so glad I could share it with someone. I'm sure you love to stargaze."

Celeste sat in awe and nodded. She looked at all the shapes that the stars made and pointed out a constellation to Spike. "Look! It's an Entei!" She said and smiled.

Spike smiled back. "Yea! And over there there's a bisharp!" They both laughed and continued finding constellations and enjoying each other's company.

It began to get late and Spike sighed sadly. "I guess we should start heading back to the cave before Mama and Papa get worried..." He said and stood up.

"Yea. We don't want that," Celeste replied and stood up as well. Spike began to climb down the rock and Celeste flew after him. Then, they walked home, side by side,


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! :3 like I said, so sorry for the delay, I'm working on it (as ElementAbsolite would say). So drop a vote and leave a comment if there's any suggestions! :D

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