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Louis' POV

"Connor no! Don't put that in your mouth!" I scold my two year old son as he attempts to put one of Harper's crayons in his mouth.

He giggles as I take the crayon away from him and moves his attention to his blue toy truck in front of him. I smile fondly at him as I pick up the rest of Harper's crayons that were left scattered on the floor.

Right now, Harper is in the kitchen helping Harry with cooking supper. Its quite cute that they share a bond over cooking and it's really cute to see the way her face lights up when Harry asks her for a hand in the kitchen.

She is an exact image of him in the sense of her looks and the way she acts. The only trait of mine she has right now is my shortness and a little bit of my sassy-ness.

Connor on the other hand is a balanced mix between us both. He's got my button nose and hair, and Harry's amazing green eyes and heart shaped lips. When he was younger he had blue eyes but they seem to have gone green when he got older. Harper's got my blue eyes though.

I pick up Connor and walk with him on my hip, towards the kitchen where some amazing smells are wafting through the house. When I enter the kitchen, I see Harry helping Harper cut up some peppers.

"Dada look, Papa's letting me cut the peppers! He never let's me cut anything!" She says excitedly and Harry rolls his eyes fondly as he helps her cut the last of the peppers.

"And why's that?" Harry asks, helping Harper down from the chair she was standing on, since she was too short to reach the counter.

" 'Cos knives can hurt you. They can make a hurts spot if it cuts you!" She exclaims and I smile at my adorable 5-almost 6 year old.

"That's right angel. So you should never play with sharp things without Papa and I there to help you , okay?" I say and she nods, going to stand beside Harry who puts the peppers into a frying pan.

"Dinner will be done in a few moments. Want me to feed Connor while I let the rice and chicken cook?" Harry asks and I shake my head,going over to peck him lightly on the lips.

"I got it babe." I say and he grins, slapping my bum as I walk away. I turn to glare at him. "Not in front of the kids, Harry!" I say and he playfully rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Later then ." he says darkly and I blush, exiting the kitchen with Connor in my arms, blushing crazily as Harry's chuckle resonates through the kitchen.

"Papa's a big meanie. Let's get some food in this little tummy of yours." I coo to Connor who claps his hands together. "Hungy, food in tum pease Ma." He says and my eyes widen.

It's the second time he refers to me as Ma and I'm worried that he might get use to calling me Ma. I mean I am a male, and having my son call me Ma is a bit confusing.

Harry finds it adorable though and says most babies know who their 'mother' is , and because I carried him,he sees me as his 'Ma'.

"I'm Dada, not Ma, sweety." I say and he shakes his head cutely and stares at me with a cute confused expression. "Me no haf Ma?" He babbles cutely and I smile at my son.

"No, you have Dada and Papa." I say and his nose scrunches. "You Ma!" He says , hitting his small fist on my chest, and I sigh, deciding to leave it at that knowing he is still too young to understand.

I remember when Harper was around this age and she use to call me 'Deda' all the time. It was extremely cute when she would try to say Dada. But she grew out of it and hopefully Connor will too

I sit Connor down on his high chair, and grab the bowl of mashed potatoes and peas which I put away from his earlier lunch, and spoon some of the mashed peas and potatoes and begin feeding him.

He managed to eat the whole bowl. I praise my little man and pepper his face with kisses. He squeals in delight as I pick him up from the high chair and grab the empty bowl , and make my way to the kitchen .

Harry spots the empty bowl and comes over to Connor, blowing raspberries onto his chubby cheeks,making him squeal with laughter.

"Such a good boy. Papas little good boy." He coos and I smile at him. Suddenly the doorbell goes ,interrupting the little moment they were having.

"Here take Connor, I'll get the door." I say and hand Harry Connor. I kiss Harper on the forehead as I go to see who's at the door.

It rings once more, so I walk a bit faster to see who it possibly is. I unlock the door and open it.


OMG its a sequel! So I was going to wait to post this but my mind was swimming with ideas for chapters so I just had to post.

I'll be posting every Thursday

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

Also if you have a title suggestion please comment it because I hate the title.

Controlled Love Book 2 [Larry Stylinson ](boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now