Chapter 18

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Its late that night that I cant sleep. I am sitting up in bed, scrolling through some work emails and checking my Facebook notifications.

As soon as we got home, I put Louis down in my bedroom, for he was fast asleep, and decided to make dinner for the both of us. We ate and drove to Jay's, where Louis packed up, talked to his mum, and got the kids.

Connor and Harper are currently asleep in their rooms, after I put them to bed. Louis was just too exhausted and I really wanted to catch up with both of them. I brought Harper into Connor's room and we stayed up for two hours just talking, until Harper fell asleep on my lap and Connor's words were slurring together.

My heart swelled as they told me all about what they did at Jay's and about daycare and how silly their "Ma" is some times.

I pressed a warm kiss to Connor's forehead, tucked him in and turned the light off, carrying Harper to her room. She wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled into my neck.

"Love wou, Dadda," she mumbled.

I beamed and kissed her neck. "I love you so much, Princess." I lay her down. She's already asleep when I kiss her forehead and turn the light off.

I traveled to the master bedroom. The door creaked as I opened it, making me cringe. I didn't want to wake Lou, he hasn't been sleeping well and he deserves his rest. Thankfully, I was greeted by just the sound of his light breathing, a fairly large bump buried under the covers, moved up and down.

I slowly walked over, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead and taking the time to study his flawless features. He looks absolutely amazing and I don't see how I didn't notice before. He's radiating light and beauty, I mean, he always is, but it's just more enhanced. His golden tanned skin crinkles slightly by his eyes from smiling. Good. Just the idea of his smile has my heart fluttering.

I cupped his warm cheek in my hand, smiling lightly. His eyelashes fluttered open, his bright blue eyes clouded with sleep. His pink lips gaped wide with a loud yawn. He smacked his lips together and snuggled his head back into the pillow.

"Haz?" He murmured.

I smiled. "Yeah, baby. It's me. Just checking up on you. I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep," I whispered.

He studied me for a while sleepily, his eyes hooded, thick with slumber. "K," he said after a bit, closing his eyes.

I grinned and kissed his forehead as he closed his eyes.

Now I'm in the guest room across the hall, unable to fall asleep.

Some noises grasp me and tug me from my memories. I strain to hear what it was, but nothing happens. A small scream echoes throughout the house and I shoot up, sprinting down the hall and into the master bedroom, seeing Louis laying on his side with his hands bunched up in the sheets. His head tosses on the pillow as he pants, his little tongue poking out between his red lips.

I run over with a small gasp, my hand flying up, ready to shake him awake. He flips over onto his back and lets out a loud moan, his head falling back as his back arches the slightest bit. The blankets slip down, pooling around his waist.

A tiny intake of air breeches my lungs as I spot his hard-on through his sweatpants. I skirt the bed and lay down next to him, a few feet in between us. My eyes never leave his figure and before I know what's happening, I'm palming myself through my sweats.

His chest rises and falls rapidly as he pants, obviously not trying to stay quiet. "H-...harry," he groans, his hands scramble to grasp onto something, slipping on the cool, silky fabric.

Controlled Love Book 2 [Larry Stylinson ](boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now