Chapter 2

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Louis' POV

"Honey eat your oatmeal .We're going to be late. I have to take your brother to daycare and Papa left already so hurry up buttercup." I say to Harper . Harry was called into an emergency meeting and I was left with having to get the kids ready. Right now, I'm waiting for Harper to eat finished while I put on Connor's shoes.

"I'm done Dada!" She exclaims' hopping down from the chair and showing me her empty bowl. I nod at her and she goes to put it in the sink. "Grab your backpack and get Connor's bag for me as well,please honey." I ask and she nods scurrying off to the get their bags.

"Here Dada. I got your bags too." She says and I thank the lord for blessing me with such a brilliant child. "Thank you buttercup. Ready to go?" I ask and she nods. I grab my bag from her, along with Connor's and grab my keys, wallet and phone off the counter and exit the house.


"Bye Dada." Harper waves before entering the school. I wave back and start the ignition and drive off to Connor's daycare which thank God, is across my school. "How you doing little man?" I ask, glancing to Connor who is sat in his car seat, playing with his plush frog.

"Ma, fwog." He mumbles , waving the plush toy around. I grin at him before focusing back on the road. I soon pull up to the daycare and kill the car engine. I exit the car and walk to Connor's side and open the door.

"Time for daycare my little man!" I coo, unbuckling him from the car seat. I grab his baby bag from the seat and pick him up, closing the door behind me. I walk to the entrance and open the glass doors into the colorful daycare.

I see a women at the front desk so I make my way over to her. "Hi, I'm here to drop Connor Styles off. Its his first day and I'm not sure where to go." I say and the lady smiles at me.

"Hi dear. I'll just call Jessica for you. She's in charge and mainly cares for the little ones." She says and I nod smiling as she takes the call. "She'll be here shortly. " she says and I thank her as a red haired middle aged women arrives.

"Hi, I'm Jessica and this little guy must be Connor." She says pinching Connor's cheeks softly. Connor hides his face in my neck and I chuckle at my adorable son. "Yes,This shy little guy is Connor. Connor, say hi." I say and he turns his head to face Jessica and waves his little chubby hand, making both Jessica and Sally, the woman at the desk coo.

"Your son is adorable. I promise he'll be in good hands."She says and takes Connors bag from me. "I hope so. Come on buddy. Time to go." I say handing him to Jessica. He whines a bit and I see the tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry my little man.Dada will be back soon okay?" I say softly, kissing his head. "Ma stay me." He says reaching for me and I smile sadly. "Dada has to go. Be a good boy okay?" I say and he nods his little head,sniffling.

"Good boy. See you later Sweetpea." I wave and he waves back as I say goodbye to Jessica and Sally. The moment I stepped out of the building I burst into tears. This is the first time I'm going to be apart from my baby for so long.

I hop into my car and wipe my tears away, before starting the engine and driving out of the daycares parking lot.

It takes me two minutes to get to my schools parking lot and I reverse into my reserved lot. I catch a glimpse of blonde hair and know its Niall. I turn off the engine and grab my satchel from the backseat and exit my car.

Controlled Love Book 2 [Larry Stylinson ](boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now