Chapter 10

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Dedication to Larry_LashtonCookies!!

Vote and comment to be dedicated to next!

Some medical things in this chapter that might not be quite accurate so excuse me for that!!

Louis' POV

"Louis calm down, we're almost there." Harry tells me and I simply roll my eyes and continue to bounce in my seat. How does he expect me to calm down when we're going home and back to my babies I haven't seen for two whole weeks? Exactly, I fucking can't.

"Oh my God I'm so excited to see my babies! I've missed them so much." I say and catch him smiling fondly as he stares at the road ahead. "I miss them too Lou. Should we tell them?" Harry asks and I shake my head.

"No. I'ts a bit too early. I might not be pregnant right now." I say and he nods. We've continued trying for a baby this past week and I got sick one morning but I think it's too early. Plus I think I ate something bad so that could be a reason I got sick. So we made an appointment with Liam to do some tests to see if me being pregnant right now is a possibility.

"Yeah, fuck yeah you're right. Sorry I shouldn't have sugg-" "Hazza calm down!" I say, giggling at his rambling. "I know you're excited that there might be a baby but we shouldn't tell the kids in case I'm not. Wouldn't want to get them excited for a new brother or sister when they might be disappointed that I'm not pregnant. I don't want you to get too excited either." I say and I see his expression droop a bit.

"Yeah, no you're right. It's just. I want you to be pregnant so badly." He says and I smile at my husband. "And I will be, eventually. It'll happen when it happens. Let's just, enjoy now and not think too much about it okay?" I say and he nods, grabbing my hand and planting a kiss to my knuckles as we pull into our street.

"I love you sweetheart." He says and I smile. "Love you too Daddy." I say and giggle. He smirks pulling up to our drive-way. "Home sweet Home." he says as he kills the engine. I smile widely as I unbuckle my seat belt and exit the car.

"Let's go see our babies!" I squeal and he chuckles while he grabs our bags form the car. I grab the lighter ones from him as we walk up to the house. My dads car is in the drive-way so he must be here with Melissa and Trevor.

Trevor's my baby brother they had 4 years ago. After dad and Melissa got married she fell pregnant with Trevor and had him on New years. He's a New Years baby and I'm a Christmas baby, well technically Christmas Eve baby.

He is the most adorable 4 year old and him and Harper get along really well despite the minor age difference. She acts like the big sister and is always looking out for Trevor, even though he's basically her Uncle. It's really adorable actually.

"After you baby." Harry says as he opens the door and I thank him as I step inside to a noisy house. I smile upon hearing the giggles of Connor. We make our way into the living room and see my dad lifting Connor into the air making him screech with joy.

"Don't you dare drop my baby Dad." I say, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Harper looks up from where she was busy drawing and screams, dropping her coloring pencils and running towards me and wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Dada! Papa! You home!" She shouts and I can't help the tears rolling down my face. Oh how I have missed my babies. "Papa!" She shouts and latches on to Harry, her one arm still around my leg. Harry looks down at her and smiles fondly bending down to her height and kisses her forehead.

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